1. Introduction
“A person usually below the executive level who is hired by another to perform a service especially for wages or salary and is under the other's control” called as employee (Dictionary-Employee, 1828). Currently, many organizations have identified flexible work options as working from home which also has benefits for employers. As the economy develop, more companies accommodate to provide more telecommuting jobs to achieve their company goals. Besides, both employers and employees stand a chance to explore new ways to gain money in industry evolution. Therefore, home working has hit the top level of doing work more than working in a main office space.
2. Telecommuting
Over the past few years, working from home has spread-out
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Sometimes employees don’t even know who is their boss. This will responsible to loss fundamental principles in an organization. “Often, professionals working from home complain of isolation and loneliness given their removal from their bosses and coworkers and this can be very depressing to some. Since the workplace provides a location to meet people and make friends for many, professionals working from home have to be more creative and resourceful in getting to know people and in staying in touch with their colleagues” (The Advantages and Disadvantages of Working from Home, …show more content…
Interruptions from children, work, neighbors, friends, family may be very disruptive and special efforts must be made to make it known that you are actually working and unavailable for interruption within work hours despite your physical presence at home” (The Advantages and Disadvantages of Working from Home, 2017)
3. Conclusion
To sum up, working from home have its positive and negative results. Telecommuting jobs are avoiding from traffic jams but make distractions while working. To change telecommuting working into more profession these are some opinions to follow,
1. Maintain a good, clean main office environment in the house.
2. Report in often to inform productivity status.
3. Treat yourself and enjoy the life with family members.
4. Get dressed as readying to go to office and do works like in the office.
5. Think about the ambition or the main target of doing this job.
6. Make a time-table and work under that.
7. Separate household works to family members.
8. Maintain a healthy
The purpose of this brief is to determine wether to establish work-at-home policy for selected employees at the Q-tel Pty Ltd. Information and communication technologies (ICT) make it possible for employees to work at home and deliver their work output to the firm by those ICT. This work arrangement is called telecommuting (Sarbu, 2015).
“This remote work may be something we should be doing more of, according to two new studies. Working from home can be good for your health and productivity. Not only did people who worked from home report greater work satisfaction and less “work exhaustion,” they also got better sleep. Separately, researchers found that the highest performing workers were the most likely to cultivate and excel in a “WFH” environment (Gregoire, 2015)”. If workers don't prefer to work at home they are more than welcome to continue working at the main workplace. The company will give each employee the opportunity to try working from home in order to have more space at the main work
Awareness will be created by promoting the change on the intranet that is accessible by all employees. To provide the Desire, we will articulate what the change is and how it will impact each employee. Knowledge of the documentation necessary to work from home is provided with the company documentation as well as a link from the intranet article. The Ability to make the change is fairly easy, but there will need to be some skills developed to keep the work from home person on track with their tasks as well as demonstrate ways to keep in touch with co-workers. Reinforcement will come in the accountability for working from home as well as demonstrating that working from home provides no negative consequences to the employee’s ability to perform their job
A revolution is spreading through the world of work because of changes in information, technology and communication. Information and technology has lessened the gaps between individuals and it is no longer necessary for people to be in close geographic location to enhance working capabilities. Telework means working at a distance and technology makes this possible. Teleworkers are defined as employees or contractors who work at least one day per month; they are also referred to as telecommuters. Research shows that teleworkers work nine days per month at home with three hours per week during normal business hours. Teleworkers seek to blend work responsibilities and personal benefits to enable them handle their work better and life responsibilities.
Many people work in telecommuting jobs where all they really need is a place to sit and a computer with internet connection. Other businesses allow workers to work from home or set them a set of working hours on site.
Telecommuting for our agency will be defined as an employee is working away from the office for one or more days within a given week (Managing pg. 9). Employees will be permitted to work from home or elsewhere if they prefer. By allowing telecommuting we are reducing the amount of travel time required for those who may need greater flexibility in their schedule. As well as giving our employees
The definition for telecommuting or telework can be summarized as the process of working from a home environment through electronic methods, utilizing the home
According to the Global Workplace Analytics (2016) website, there has been a 2.8% increase in Telecommuting worker population from 2005 to 2014 or 3.7 million employees that work from home on a full-time or half-time basis. In
Have you ever thought about having your own business before? You can wake up when you want to. That's right, it means saying goodbye to that pesky alarm clock and sleeping till noon if you want to. You are your own boss! The only person that you answer to is YOU. You wake up when you want, go to bed when you want and work when you want.
In this day and age, many companies are allowing people to work from home to expand their business. The people that mange these workers face many challenges. This paper addresses some of the issues and discusses ways to keep remote workers engaged.
The title of this book, “Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves” is written in order of the ranking of women. In classical antiquity, in some aspects, a whore had more freedom and rights than a married upper-class woman. This alone is evidence of the degree that women in classical antiquity were oppressed. Classical Greek Athenian women and Roman women had similarities in their life styles and expectations to become wives and mothers, but Roman women developed minor freedoms throughout the duration of the empire that Greek Athenian women did not possess. The only known exception to this are the women of Sparta, who had a unique level of freedom in the Greek world.
Every code of companies have the pros and cons, so does work-at-home policy which KGDV was trying to introduce. Whether the company decided to expand work-at-home policy at fast speed or slow down the expansion, the side effects caused by the policy that may bring about high moral hazard in the company would become most likely apparent in the long run and should be observed. In order to demonstrate appropriate proposals for the problem, the essay will first outline two issues of the programme. Then, how to build up trusts and encourage workers to communicate to minimize the side effects from the aspect of leadership theories will be carefully argued. Finally, a summary of proposals will be shown.
Majority of employees decide for teleworking mainly because of several benefits teleworking is offering. The first advantage is harmony of work and personal life. Employees have more free time they can spend with their children and family. Next advantage means higher flexibility as teleworkers may often chose the working hours and take the advantage for themselves. This allows them to choose the hours during which they are the most productive. Furthermore, teleworkers decreased everyday commuting to work saving their time, additional costs for travelling as well as stress (Mann and Holdsworth, 2003). In addition, not only employees benefit from teleworking. Company profits from teleworkers as well. Late research of the British Broadcasting Corporation showed savings of approximately 25 per cent. These savings are the results of decrease of bills in office space including heating, electricity (Loughran, 1998 as quoted in Mann and Holdsworth, 2003). Implications for increased productivity, loyalty and overall quality of work have been found among teleworkers (Baruch, 2000).
As we grew up, only five and half years apart, she was always the “perfect child. She was the prim, proper, kind to everyone, no matter what Hermione Granger, while I was the always ripping my clothes, messy, very sassy Junie B. Jones. Never did I know, how much of an impact a sister will have on your life.
As technology, apps and costs bring people to conclude that working from home would be the