Module Code: PM501 2T
Class/Group: Group A, Class 1
Module Title: Skills for Study 1
Assessment: Final Essay
Assessment Title: Discuss some of the challenges facing international students in higher education and suggest some possible solutions.
Tutor Name: Kinga Maior
Student ID Number: 2060494
Date of Submission: Thursday 2nd May 2013
Word Count: 1,004
The number of international students studying in the UK has soared over the past decade due to globalization. Paige (1990) defined International students as those individuals who temporarily lived in the foreign countries and received the education as exchanged students. The main reason why international students come to the foreign countries is that they want to receive better
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International students may receive more pressure from their families pushing them to success, less competent with academic skills, and misunderstanding by academic staff. Those students who are not able to adapt the life change bringing by studying abroad may suffer psychological issues, including homesickness, loneliness, lacking of social support and feeling no sense of belonging in the host country. Another issue is that some students feel not comfortable in a new and unfamiliar environment and they are shy to express themselves to others, which cause them even harder to recovery from depression.
The psychological problem could affect the study of international students and this issue cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is important to find a good solution to solve this problem for international students. At first, students could divert their views by developing hobbies, doing sports at free time, making friends and building up social life in the host country. And then some international students also find that it is a good opportunity for them to travel around inside the UK or in the mainland Europe, which help them a lot to relieve from pressure. Meanwhile, universities also have the responsibility to help international students on this problem and they could establish an international student psychological coaching center to have staff there for oversea students who need help. Henry and Osborne (1983:293) argued that the teachers
Rienties, B., Beausaert, S., Grohnert, T., Niemantsverdriet, S., & Kommers, P. (2012). Understanding academic performance of international students: the role of ethnicity, academic and social integration. Higher Education, 63(6), 685-700.
Currency intervention is the action of one or more governments, central banks, or speculators that increases or reduces the value of a particular currency against another currency – this is according to Wikipedia.
In the article, “Colleges Adapt to New Kinds of Students from Abroad,” Karin Fischer (2011) explains the increase of foreign students in U.S. universities leads to make more problems in campus and how universities are trying to overcome those problems and help foreign students to adapt to campus. Fischer explains the increase of the foreign undergraduate students due to the support from foreign governments. Fischer quotes Wesley Young, the director of services for international students and scholars at the University of California at Davis, to discuss that the increase of foreign undergraduate students especially requires more care and help than graduate students. While older students know what they need to do and what to do in U.S. university,
Australia, the U.S. and the U.K. have, in recent years, emerged as key players in the international student market. Australia has developed a strongly entrepreneurial approach to attracting the lucrative overseas student market, a key factor in is the potentially enormous profitability that ensues from Australia’s ability to attract “tens of thousands of students from several different countries” establishing a “diversified market with strong growth potential” (Verbik & Lasanowski, 2007, p.5). One reason for Australia’s success in the international student market is that it has a high numbers of students from India and China and these two countries are generally regarded as “the world’s two most prominent source countries” (Ibid). Australia has had success in supplying the enormous demand for higher education for international students from these countries and the numbers of Chinese and Indian students seeking higher education provision in Australia is expected to grow in the foreseeable future. There are several reasons why Australia has so much success in increasing international student numbers. These include effective marketing; English language; proximity to Asian countries; relatively affordable living and study costs and importantly, a quality education in terms of coursework and support for the needs of international students (Terrell, cited in Bartel & Petersen, 1999, pp. 73-75).
In America guns have been a part of the country’s society since it’s birth. Throughout history the citizens of the US have used firearms to protect the nation, protect their families, hunt for food and engage in sporting activities. The issue of Guns and gun control is complex. In the United States, gun control is one of these tumultuous issues that has both sides firmly entrenched in their positions. In this climate of growing violence, rife with turmoil and crime, gun advocates feel more than ever that their position is justified as citizens of the Land of the Free. Possessing a gun is a fundamental right, and may even be a necessity. Anti- gun lobbyists point to the same growing violence and
The need for higher education has prompted many students to seek further studies in international colleges outside their countries and Australia has become an academic hub for international students who mostly come from developing nations in Asia and Africa. The students, once they secure a place in this schools, they are subjected to a new environment which comes with different challenges. International students in Australia have become an integral part of the society both social and economical. However the students face a myriad of challenges before fully adopting to the new learning culture. In
Studying abroad, which has become a common phenomenon, can be a fun and meaningful experience. Many university students are interested in studying abroad because it gives them an opportunity to explore different cultures and broaden their horizons. As Mark Sherry, Peter Thomas and Wing Hong Chui argue in “International Students: a Vulnerable Student Population,” the goals that students pursue international study are often to acquire different ways of learning and to improve cross-cultural understanding, which helps them gain self-confidence as well as maturity (33). This experience turns out to be beneficial to those who study abroad. Nevertheless, when students are surrounded by a wholly new environment, many problems that hinder their
They have to face new experience and new challenges in their life when they come to abroad. The first year of their college abroad is a litmus test for them, if they have a positive experience they will stay but if they have negative experience they have to leave. I had observed the issues faced by the international students over here as they make their entry to new culture and a new educational system. They have to begin a new life in an environment that is very different. For example simple tasks such as going to grocery store where the language is different and the products are unfamiliar. The education system in India and Canada is different as in India, more focus is on memorization and there is no practical work but over here, more focus is on problem-solving skills and self-guided research. Majority of the students live without their family which is very hard for them to live without parents in abroad. Their parents sent them over here with a hope of their family
When international students study for the first time at a university in the United States, the first challenge almost is study. For instance, students’ communication and writing skills, the grades in each class and so on. When the student decided to study abroad, parents place great hopes on the students. Almost international students were having a bit afraid to talk with native speaker, when they first time at the university in the United States. Also, international students could not write really like the native students writing. At the same time, students must want to get a good grade in each class, but different countries have different education system.
International students face many different challenges when studying abroad. This is due to many factors. First, they are living in a country very far away from their own. The country they are studying at has a very different way of life than theirs. Further more, the laws in that country are much different than the laws in their own country. Due to that they face a lot of problems trying to adapt to this new culture. Me personally as an international student in the US studying at ASU, have faced three particularly difficult challenges that I was able to overcome through time. In this essay I will explain how international students can overcome tough challenges and situations.
Every year there are around 435,000 international students enrolled in universities around the UK (UKCISA). Studying abroad for a lot of these students is a privilege, however it can be a stressful experience for various reasons. There are plenty of challenges, other than language barrier, that these students face, like major culture shock, homesickness, and financial difficulties.
As the widespread population of teenage international student body growth, many more promising and upstanding students came to America to develop their better selves. When the first year they come, the very different environment would be a challenge for this young generation of student who just left the protection of their parents and familiar teachers and friends. The adjustment of academic will be a fundamentally challenging for them in many different aspects.
The United States is mixing people from cultures all around the world which often called a melting pot. Also, American culture is exceptional, and might be different from international student countries in many ways. The number of international students attending institutions of higher education is on the rise in the United States. The overall number of international students in the U.S. has grown 72 percent since 2000, according to us news and world report. Also, the foreign student population rose from 547,867 in 2000 to 690, 923 in 2010. The international students from different countries such as China, India, South Korea , Japan, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. Moreover, China occupies the largest number and then India that 30% increase in Chinese student enrollment in the United States and 15 % of international students from India. Furthermore, the number of Saudi Arabia increased that there are 10 times more Saudi students in the U.S. today than in 2000, according to IIE. The number of students from Saudi
Helfat’s (1997) article is written to examine the theory of dynamic capability. Helfat cites Teece and Pisano’s (1994: 541) definition as “the subset of the competences/capabilities which allow the firm to create new products and processes and respond to changing market circumstances” (Helfat, 1997 : 339). Helfat examines how complimentary assets in a firm can influence their dynamic capabilities. Specifically, how a firm is able to use current assets, such as economies of scope, to respond to a dynamic market.
First and foremost, from personal angle, study abroad enables students to achieve high level of maturity and independence very quick. This is because they are being away from their support network like families. It may seem daunting but in the other hand it is actually a precious chance for the students to sharp their own skill and gain some independence. For instance, they have to buy the groceries by themselves which maybe it is their first time doing so. Students also have to deal with many problems when they study abroad like adapting to the new environments and lifestyle. So from here, they have learnt how to deal with problems. Apart from that, study abroad may also rapidly advance the student’s language skills especially English. Being surrounded with the native speaker and people that don’t speak the