
The Challenges Of Benq And Siemens Company From German Culture

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BenQ and Siemens come from two different backgrounds and cultures. BenQ Company from Taiwan culture, and Siemens Company from German culture. However, each of these two cultures differs from the other, since in Germany several agencies monitor the managers and workers so the German companies pay full attention for the staff and for their families before themselves. Also, if they dismiss the workers from the job they are looking for another job, these laws and procedures of the German government. Moreover, in contrast to the Taiwan Company BenQ there is no control at all and that employee and companies take care only for their personal benefit and this negatively affects their partnership. There are four challenges developed by Hofstede might …show more content…

This is why BenQ is acquiring this company because it has expertise and a different culture. Also, these two companies faced problems from critics and governments, but they did not despair, but they worked in partnership and benefited from some, but eventually they lost and the German government tried the Japanese company "BenQ" and forced them to improve their position and reduce losses because many employees They lost their jobs and must provide them with alternative jobs for their lost jobs. In addition to that, when they started to engage, they did not plan for future situations, and they are known about BenQ that they are reckless in making decisions and lacking planning and management. In conclusion, the German Siemens and the Taiwanese BenQ were quite different, from their national cultures to organizational cultures. Where the failure of the acquisition provided a valuable lesson for companies seeking to create their own global brand. Therefore, companies from different cultures need to develop a strategy to clearly define goals and expectations and to avoid the information gap with future

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