
The Characteristics Of Heroism

Decent Essays

Heroism… Today?
Heros… In today’s society? A hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Fictional characters can be heroes, but they aren’t real and have unrealistic character traits. Modern day heroes can portray any unique traits. They can’t fly, and they don’t have super strength, but they are good at heart and want nothing but good for everyone. So yes, hero’s do exist in today’s society, and many are very selfless.
Fame and wealth don't affect people’s ability to perform heroic acts. Apple was one of many who donated money to the victims of the hurricanes. “Tom Cook took a moment to discuss Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Harvey, which is company has given more than $ 10 …show more content…

In this situation, “teenagers” who usually get bad reputation got out of the limo and helped the family who had been in a car accident, and bloodied their dresses and suits. They proved that not all teens are immature and are able to get their job done. The students showed that they are noble and stepped up to become heroes to the passengers and to the world.
Although it is their occupation, soldiers are selfless and ready for combat. No one person knows how long war will last. The United States of America has been participating in the Afghanistan War for 16 years. “On October 7, 2001, less than a month after the September 11 attacks, US President George W Bush launches operation "Enduring Freedom" in Afghanistan, after the Taliban refuses to hand over al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
In a matter of weeks, the US-led forces to overthrow the Taliban, in power since 1996.
Apart from air raids, the US backs the Afghan Northern Alliance, which is fighting the Taliban, contributing paramilitary teams from the CIA and special forces.Some 1,000 American soldiers are deployed on the ground in November, rising to 10,000 the year after.” Soldiers get deployed not knowing when they will come home or if they will even come home. They don’t enroll in the army just to say that they did, they enroll because they want to defend their country and fight for their rights as a U.S.

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