
The Characteristics Of Kunnumpuram, Er And Social Structures

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er and Social Structures As a way of description, a social structure consists of “rules, institutions, and practices; it is socially embodied in the actions, thoughts, beliefs, and durable dispositions of individual human beings, and often has distributive consequences for individuals and groups” (Deneulin, Web 25/02/2017). It is commonly believed that the society is structured and stratified in such a way that there is always a gap among people, institutions and communities based on their social and professional status. And that unjust power and social structures emanate when a group of people exert their socio-political and economic power and status on the rest of the entire community. These structures are said to be in place in order to protect and promote the interest of the ruling and influential class. One of the protagonists of this opinion is Kunnumpuram who places much emphasis on the imbalanced structural realities and their effects in society: “There stand structural realities which are in themselves unbalanced distorted, unjust and subhuman; these are responsible in the main for the massive poverty and suffering of hundreds of millions of simple and hard-working people, and for the centennial marginalization and humiliation” (The Mission of the Church 152-153). He further opines that wherever a person is found without the means required to meet human needs, and without resources for creative action and participative life in society, there injustice has been in

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