
The Charter Oath

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The Charter Oath was the constitutional document created by key members of the new Meiji government in 1868, which reflected the views of the lower samurai. The Charter Oath has been partially overlooked by historians but many see it as the key document of the new Meiji State which shows the fundamental developments from the Tokugawa Regime. Therefore, it clearly reveals the domestic ideologies of the Meiji State, however there is a distinct lack of attention to the prominent goals of taking control over Western intervention and the restoration of power to the emperor. Three versions of the Oath shall be compared with regards to their authorship, content and intentions to assess the goals presented. The Charter Oath was created with the …show more content…

The three drafts all agree that ‘the common people may be permitted to pursue their respective callings’. Furthermore, the three versions Charter Oath agree on the unification of the samurai and common people in the ‘administration of economic and financial Oath and the principle of ‘open discussion’ in the matter of state affairs. These policies reveal that the new Meiji government put priority on the equal representation of the people in the matters of state affairs in Japan’s future. This reflects the discontent of the lower samurai and the peasants, who were trapped in the restrictive Tokugawa class system which prevented them from rising in society or taking a leadership role. Hence, the Tosa samurai wished for a bicameral rule by a council of lords and council of lesser samurai and commoners. Nonetheless, a crucial element of the Meiji ideology was the restoration of the loyalty to the emperor through traditional Japanese culture and the Shinto religion. Yet, the Charter Oath only alludes to this loyalty in its policy of seeking knowledge to ‘strengthen the foundations of imperial rule.’ Therefore the Oath indicates the goal of strengthening the foundations of the Meiji rule through the emperor but does not emphasise this over administrative aims. Overall, the goals revealed from the Charter Oath mainly show the need for an improved representation of the lower part of society but does not fully describe the loyalty to the Meiji emperor. Therefore, the Charter Oath reveals the administrative aims of the Meiji government but not ideas of domestic and foreign

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