The Chicken Doesn’t Skate Book Review “The Chicken Doesn’t Skate“ is a young adult’s novel written by Gordon Korman. This is the second book that I have read by Gordon Korman, the first being “Swindle”. I read “Swindle” while in 8th grade, and I thoroughly enjoyed both books. Both of these books were sports themed. This book should be recommended for grades 4 to 7. In “The Chicken Doesn’t Skate” the main characters of the novel are Zach Gustafson, “loser” (according to Adam) and avid screenplay writer. Adam Lurie the star hockey player at South Middle School and seventh grade science flunky. Milo Neal is the science nerd who just moved to Minnesota from California with his mother. Milo is the son of a famous scientist Victor Neal …show more content…
Baggio announces the upcoming science fair, Milo decides this is a good way to make some friends. So he plans to win the fair by showing the life cycle of a chicken. He adopts a pet chicken and begins to bring it to school, all the other students fall in love with it. They endear it with the name Henrietta. Milo is reluctant and warns them not to grow attached because once it’s grown at the fair it will be fed to the judges. One day after Adam is given the task to take care of Henrietta he realizes he won’t have time to take her home before his hockey game. The South Middle School Rangers hockey team is 0-5 and in last place in the league. Adam brings her to the game and miraculously the Rangers win. The team attributes this to Henrietta being there so they name her the unofficial mascot. The team then rips off a winning streak and is in contention. Ms. Baggio tasks other students with caring for Henrietta which eventually results in her getting sick. While sick Henrietta can’t go to the games so the team suffers a long losing streak. Henrietta soon recovers in time for the team to begin winning. But then everyone at the school learns what Henrietta’s fate will be after the science fair. Everyone is very upset about this because they’ve grown to love the chicken and so protests begin and it gets very serious. After the winning streak continues the South Middle School Rangers win their state game and are then tasked with facing a very tough Canadian
When he first moved in town, he was sent to the police station. He tried to be friendly to Plato who was at the police station but Plato treats Jim like a random stranger. He also meets Judy at the police station. He sees her several days later and asks her if she wants a ride but she already has one. Then he drives up to Judy and her friends and ask for directions. They just pointed in different places and made fun of him. He keeps on trying to get attention from the “cool kids”. His class takes a field trip to see the planetarium star show and listen to a lecture at the Griffith Observatory. An astronomy lecturer gives an existential narration of the darkness of the universe and Jim tries to make everyone laugh by saying, “Moooooooo” while the lecture is going on. After the lecture, Buzz and a couple of his bully friends make fun of Jim and call him a chicken which lead to a knife fight. Jim and Buzz make a deal on a chicken run. Buzz asks Jim if he has ever been in a chicken run, and Jim lies by saying, “Yeah, that’s all I ever do.” As soon as Buzz leaves, Jim asks, “Plato, what is a chicken run?” (“Rebel Without a Cause”) Jim does not know if he should go or not. Jim decides to think, ‘Dad said it was a matter of honor, remember? They called me chicken. You know, chicken? I had to go because if I didn't I'd never be able to face those kids again.’ Jim then goes to the chicken run and Buzz
This book is how Ben McBain always loved sports. And it was the beginning of basketball season. He had a friend who's name is Sam. And they had a friend lily Wyatt. Lily was Ben’s closest friend. Then one kid came to town who's name is Chase Braggs. Then every one was talking about chase, that he's fast strong like ben when he played basketball but chase liked to talk allot, but sam didn’t. Bens team name is Rams and they where going to have a scrimmage against chases team.
“Seventh Grade”By Gary Soto-LDC Seventh grade is really hard if you think about it. Well, for some people. Not for me. In Gary Soto’s short story, “Seventh Grade” The main character ,Victor, is always trying to impress this girl he likes,Teresa. He is always trying to say the right things and not embarrass himself, but always fails.
When Max Bellotti became a Lion at Chester Heights High School he told the school one thing. He would turn the schools losing season into a winning season and a conference title. Max did what he told everyone in the school and delivered on a winning season and a conference title. The book doesn’t say where the characters go at the end but since they were freshmen they probably stayed at Chester Heights and tried to win a state championship in the years ahead.
Then I turned to Larry’s scarecrow picked it up and threw it into the fire. I turned back to him and started to yell at him about how ugly it was and about how if he could do anything he might have his own room. While I was doing this he was crying like a baby, even though he was 7 and should be a man and start working out to get an 8 pack and big biceps.
Victor and Bull are sworn enemies. Bull terrorizes Victor, and Victor roams the hallways of his high school seemingly invisible. His home life isn’t any better; his parents remind him each birthday that he was an accident and was never wanted. Bull’s grandpa and mom are always drunk, there’s very little food, and he hangs out in the cemetery to avoid the regular beatings he receives. Bull and Victor become roommates in the psych ward after an incident goes wrong with Bull and Victor swallows too many sleeping pills.
Adeline comes home from her first week of kindergarten, all smiles because she had been chosen to lead the class and has received a medal and a certificate for her achievement. Her aunt Baba is full of pride and files the certificate and medal in her safe deposit box. She described the certificate as “some precious jewel impossible to replace” (page 2). Adelines academic achievements are how she eventually gains acceptance within an uncaring family. She had a lot of pride over the metal it shows the sadness she is facing everyday, with her siblings hating her achievements and her dad only caring when she receives them. “I was winning the medal every week and wearing it constantly. I knew this displeased my siblings, especially Big Sister and Second Brother, but it was the only way to make Father take notice and be proud of me” (page 15). Adeline starts to mature when she starts to realize that her achievements should only matter if it makes her happy, not just her father. Adeline's parents threaten to move her to a far away school. Adeline is elected class president. Everyone is excited, her classmates and more importantly her. Her classmates decide to celebrate at her house and this is when her parents lash out and get
Smith waiting frantically, “Gosh Isiah you scared me, you’re lucky I covered for you guys”
He made many mistakes such as destroying his mother's garden, blowing up his father’s office, or having a huge explosion worry everybody in the town that the mines have been blown up and people could be in danger. Even with all these failures he did not see them as failures but as a learning experience that these ideas do not work. Sonny’s father told him many times to stop building rockets but his mother told him he should keep building them because her dream is for Sonny to go to college and with the rocket building she believes he will get a scholarship. Sonny, Quentin, Roy Lee, and Sherman all begin to work together with the rocket building and when they get back to school their teacher Miss Riley asks them if they want to join in the science fair. Quentin, Roy Lee, and Sherman all agree that this will be a good idea and will give them the opportunity to get scholarships and get out of Coalwood finally. Sonny thought that the science fair was a bad idea because he thought that their rockets were not ready and he had no ambition of joining in the fair
Individual’s social contexts and personal experiences shape the way they deal with challenges. Discuss this idea in relation to “Game as Ned’s” key themes. The Novel “Game as Ned” by Tim Pegler explores the concept of how an individual’s social contexts and personal experiences shape the way they deal with challenges. Isolation and fear are both themes in “Game as Ned” and they shape the way Ned deals with his challenges.
The book Scat by Carl Hiaasen involves a normal class that goes through a life-changing scenario from one adventure to the swamp. This book is very mysterious and has a lot of foreshadowing on the plot and changes drastically after they were involved with the panther. The main characters that brought this plot twisting and adventurous story are from Truman school Nick, Marta, and Duane Jr. Nick main character that dealt with Marta’s and Duane’s problems and helped them in some way in this book Scat.
Daniella Owusuwaah Ashley Dunn THE 191: Section K 28, April 2015 Avenue Q: Sesame Street Meets South Park Avenue Q is a laugh-out-loud, fast moving musical that is an adult version of Sesame Street that address racism, pornography, homophobia, and the parable of finding one’s purpose in life through satirical songs. On Friday, April 17, I saw Miami’s production of Avenue Q directed by Ms. Saffron Henke at the Gates-Abegglen Theatre. This unique show uses puppets as a shield to explore issues that are often hard and sensitive to talk about; it’s easy to talk about racism when it’s through a puppet. I believe that the goal of Miami’s production of Avenue Q was to present and educated to the community and the students about issues such as
While other students were out celebrating the first week of summer, the New Albany Girls Lacrosse team was practicing for one of the biggest moments in their lives. They were preparing to compete in the Division II Lacrosse State Championship Game on June 1st. The team had one week to ensure they knew their plays, calls and were general ready for one of the toughest games of the year. Among this team there were twenty-five girls, and within this group of girls there were only two goalies. These two goalies, Kathleen Schell and Grace Anthony, had to hold the team together. Kathleen was talking to Grace before the end of practice and told her “I am really nervous, because I don’t know who coach is going to throw out there first. Also, what if
The narrative begins when Gregory is about seven years old, quite young to be experiencing such a painful lesson in racism. However, this teacher, which Gregory never mentions her name, dishes out her hatefulness with every opportunity. Gregory has a classmate, which he is quite fond of and tries to impress her at every opportunity he is given. The problem Gregory is up against is that he is poor. Gregory has one set of clothes which he washes every night. He shines shoes to make money, which he leaves on Helens porch instead of buying food. In return, Helen, the girl of Gregory’s dreams, rewards him as she walks by his house on the way to school with a wink and a smile. Gregory jumps through hoops to gain this girls attention and she is never unkind to him even though she is economically in a better situation than he is. However, when he goes to school he is made the center of attention by the teacher who labels him an idiot; she does this intentionally by placing him at the back of the room in a seat with a circle drawn around it in white chalk. Gregory is
The community decided to put on a play simulating soda’s life in front of her father they then proceeded to shame him for being so sexist in front of the whole crowd until he let go and let soda go to school instead of keeping her home.