
Cincinnati Police Activity

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An article published in the International Journal of Police Science and Management authors Bain, Robinson, and Conser (2014) describe the police as reactive, meaning they respond to a call for help. This limits police interaction with the community to either being the victim, offender or witness of a crime. This relationship is then connected to a negative memory no matter which role the individual plays. “The ability of the police to function as an effective service is often predicated on the positive image they maintain with the general public” (Bain, Robinson, and Conser, 2014). This type of relationship along with the one experienced in Cincinnati, Ohio in the late 1990’s to mid-2000’s where there were an alarming number of fatalities due to police …show more content…

The department complied, and six years after the changes began, the Cincinnati Police had successfully complied with the new regulations (Baptiste). Changes made by the Cincinnati Police Department programs to connect the community and police in positive ways with the (Baptiste, 2015). These actions led to decrease fatal police shootings and excessive force used, but what made the most difference was programs, such as Quality of Life Enhancement Team introduced by Police Chief Jeffery Blackwell, a black male and Law Enforcement Officer who at the time had served 26 years in Ohio. Blackwell stated in a 2014 interview quoted in the journal article, “I always talk about community engagement being the most important thing in police work” (Baptiste). The article goes on to describe several programs used by the Cincinnati Police Department to improve positive community involvement. New officers are required to provide community service by serving in soup kitchens, volunteering at schools, nursing homes and in the homeless communities. There are other programs that connect officers to youth to share meals,

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