
The Classical/Modernist Approach Was Appropriate to the Time in Which It Was Developed but It Is No Longer Suitable to the Needs of Contemporary Organisations and Change

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The Classical/Modernist approach was appropriate to the time in which it was developed but it is no longer suitable to the needs of contemporary organisations and change Introduction The aim of this paper is to understand if the classical and modernist approach has a place within modern organisations. First, an understanding of both approaches will be carried out, identifying key ideologies and theories these approaches may contain. Then, a discussion on the literature surrounding the suitability of these approaches with modern day organisations. To finish, a conclusion will take place summarising the main points and understanding the possible limitations. The classical approach The classical approach was born in a time where the …show more content…

However, the modernist approach unlike the classical approach has a style that trusts a solid philosophy of "being" which privileges thinking in terms of discrete outstanding conditions, static characteristics and progressive events (Chia, 1995). Modernism emerged in 1960; it was the first to understand that organisations are irrational, and that the very rational functional approach seen before had to change (Grieves, 2010). Modernist theorists understand how their organisations work and how change in environmental conditions can affect how the business functions (Hatch and Cunliffe, 2006). If the business has complete knowledge and human perfection, which the modernist approach aims to achieve, organisations will be able to cope with changes and increase their profitability and develop their core competencies (Hatch and Cunliffe, 2006). Some theories that come under the modernistic approach are the general systems theory and the contingency theory theses will be discussed below. Lugwig Von Bertalanffy created the general systems theory in the 1950’s (Hatch and Cunliffe, 2006). The general systems theory was designed to overcome the mistake and possible danger to organisations by disciplinary specialization (Mulej; Potocan; Zenko; Kajzer; Ursic; Knez-Riedl; Lynn; Ovsenik, 2004). Understanding the science of both the natural world and

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