The Clock is Running – Let’s See How Fast You Can Go and Change Directions at the Same Time! Martha Manning November 13, 2015 Introduction: Speed and agility are integral components of successful performance in a variety of different sports. Speed refers to the ability to move the body as quickly as possible over a set distance. Agility, on the other hand, is the ability to accelerate, decelerate, and change direction rapidly while maintaining good body control and speed. By measuring speed and agility, a fitness professional can target the weaknesses in sport or task performance and use them to alter the training program to make it more individualized to the athlete. Methods: For the tests performed in this lab, Subject
Make three exposures using given technical factors on a phantom knee in PA position . Include saline bags in exposures 1 and 2 to demonstrate patient soft tissue thickness.
Unknown 12 was proved to be Proteus vulgaris. This organism was a gram-negative rod growing in single. This organism, which grew on a TSA plate, was catalase positive. A drop of H2O2 was added on to the colony and it began to bubble. Therefore, the catalase enzyme was present and broke down the peroxides in to non-toxic forms H2O and O2.
b) Iron and Barium were present in unknown 3. Assigned unknown reacted with all 4 reactants and formed precipitate with 3 of them (Sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide and Sulfuric acid). During the experiment it reacted very similarly to Iron (III) nitrate and Barium nitrate. For example, with it was tested against Ammonium Chloride, the color of the solution changed to a light green, very identically to Iron (III) nitrate and Ammonium Chloride. Besides, unknown 3 formed an orange brownish precipitate when it was tested with sodium carbonate. Iron (III) nitrate acted similarly. Moreover, unknown 3 reacted similar to Barium nitrate when it was tested against ammonium chloride and sulfuric acid. It did not form any precipitate with ammonium chloride but formed a very light white precipitate, which is identical to barium nitrate’s reaction against sulfuric acid. Therefore, the two present metal in unknown 3 are Iron and barium.
Triple Sugar Iron Agar test, there was a gas production seen in the media. The media was yellow slant and yellow butt indicating glucose, lactose and/or sucrose fermentation with acid accumulation in slant and butt. For sulfur reduction, it was negative since it did not turn black in color indicating no sulfur was reduced.
My unknown organism #6 is Morganella morganii, which is a gram-negative bacillus rods commonly found in the environment and also in the intestinal tracts of humans, mammals, and reptiles as a normal flora. (3, 5) This bacterium Morganella morganii, was first discovered in the 1906 by a British bacteriologist named H. de R. Morgan. (2) Despite its wide distribution, it is an uncommon cause of community-acquired infection and is most often encountered inpostoperative and other nosocomial settings. (2, 3) Morganella morganii infections respond well to appropriate antibiotic therapy; however, its
Bacteria are ubiquitous; they can be found on the skin, in the soil, and inside the body. Because of the very nature of this ubiquity, it is important to be able to determine between different strains of bacteria. An example of this is determining the causative agent for a disease so that the patient will be treated with the appropriate antibiotics. It may be important to determine the bacteria in a certain region, because like with enteric bacteria, it is normal to find them in the digestive tract as they are in a symbiotic relationship with our bodies in this area; however, they also cause opportunistic infections in places outside of the digestive tract to our detriment, such as with a urinary tract infection. Some strains of bacteria are common to nosocomial infections, and identifying these bacteria as such helps create the guidelines for healthcare workers in antiseptic technique. All of the morphology and characteristics of each strain of bacteria help us to better understand the role of bacteria in the body as well as helps us understand how they can cause illness, and what treatment regimen to set in place. In lab this semester, a sample of unknown
When the pH is not at its optimum, the differing pH's will disrupt the bonding between the R groups of the amino acid causing its structure and the shape of the activation site to change
The purpose of this lab was to identify unknown bacteria cultures using various differential tests, and my unknown bacteria is #17. The identification of these unknown cultures was accomplished by separating and differentiating possible bacteria based on specific biochemical characteristics. Whether the tests performed identified specific enzymatic reactions or metabolic pathways, each was used in a way to help recognize those specifics and identify the unknown cultures. The differential tests used to identify the unknown cultures were Gram stain, Catalase, Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA), Blood Agar, Novobiocin, Coagulase, and DNAse (Alachi, 2007).
A typical Risk Management plan (RMP) has five steps – Plan, Identify, Assess, Respond, and Monitor. As we discuss the five steps in details, it would be evident that they hold good in every set up in a business – be it IT or non-IT environment.
Unknown lab report# 24 Introduction Microbiology is a study of organisms that surrounds us every day. It requires an educational understanding to identify organisms, and the ability to distinguish different bacteria’s. In applying the learning process of the different bacteria’s, unknown bacteria samples are given to be studied and identified.
The mole is a convenient unit for analyzing chemical reactions. Avogadro’s number is equal to the mole. The mass of a mole of any compound or element is the mass in grams that corresponds to the molecular formula, also known as the atomic mass. In this experiment, you will observe the reaction of iron nails with a solution of copper (II) chloride and determine the number of moles involved in the reaction. You will determine the number of moles of copper produced in the reaction of iron and copper (II) chloride, determine the number of moles of iron used up in the reaction of iron and copper (II) chloride, determine the ratio of moles of iron to moles of copper, and determine the number of atoms and formula units involved in
As in attack you need to be watching the defenders and the ball. Agility is “The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.” Agility comes into touch football very often especially in attack. It can be used for stepping players this one example of how agility is used in touch. All the definitions are from (CrossFit lake
An unknown was given to our group from the professor. The unknown was in nutrient broth, the group received unknown number 3. And the task was to identify the unknown and try to make an educated guess, and identify the unknown #3.
Hypothesis: The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the question will different food sources affect the level of activity of detoxification enzymes in bean beetles? The class alternate hypothesis is different food sources will affect the level of activity of the detoxification enzymes in bean beetles. The null hypothesis is the different food sources will not have any effect on the level of activity of the detoxification enzymes in bean beetles. Experimental design: The independent variables in this experiment were the types of beans (bean 1 was mung beans and bean 2 was adzuki beans) and enzymes assays used.
2. (5 pts) List and explain the names and affiliations of the various characters/stakeholders in this story – I’m looking for us to use the story to map out the complexities that are generally associated with solving public health puzzles – the stakeholders you list and explain here should apply to many of the cases we consider going forward.