
The Cloud Of Cloud Computing

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Danger In Cloud Computing
On the day of August 31, 2014, nearly 200 private celebrity pictures of various individuals, mostly female and all very personal were posted online. They were taken from personal, private cloud storage systems. They thought their personal information was safe, stored by trusted manufacturing giant Apple Inc. in their iCloud service (Kedmey, 2014). There is no such thing as safe when storing private data in a cloud environment. Individuals and corporations place a great deal of trust in cloud technology. Every day financial information, photos, plans and personal information is poured into virtual accounts stored in places unknown by people unknown. A great and ever-present threat is posed by unscrupulous thieves that stand ready to take advantage of the trust in these accounts. Research suggests the cloud is dangerous to IT security because physical ownership exists outside user control, it is vulnerable to hacking, and has no clearly defined security standards.
Data is inherently insecure when it is in the hands of another individual or corporation. It is physically available for them to manipulate at will. Researchers from China’s College of Information Sciences and Engineering reported one avenue of this in an article published in Journal Of Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research. In this article they stated one of the security problems with cloud usage is that owners of cloud services cannot ensure that they or their employees do not access, steal

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