Danger In Cloud Computing
On the day of August 31, 2014, nearly 200 private celebrity pictures of various individuals, mostly female and all very personal were posted online. They were taken from personal, private cloud storage systems. They thought their personal information was safe, stored by trusted manufacturing giant Apple Inc. in their iCloud service (Kedmey, 2014). There is no such thing as safe when storing private data in a cloud environment. Individuals and corporations place a great deal of trust in cloud technology. Every day financial information, photos, plans and personal information is poured into virtual accounts stored in places unknown by people unknown. A great and ever-present threat is posed by unscrupulous thieves that stand ready to take advantage of the trust in these accounts. Research suggests the cloud is dangerous to IT security because physical ownership exists outside user control, it is vulnerable to hacking, and has no clearly defined security standards.
Data is inherently insecure when it is in the hands of another individual or corporation. It is physically available for them to manipulate at will. Researchers from China’s College of Information Sciences and Engineering reported one avenue of this in an article published in Journal Of Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research. In this article they stated one of the security problems with cloud usage is that owners of cloud services cannot ensure that they or their employees do not access, steal
Cloud computing has set a trend in the information technology arena that has sparked the interest of all who utilize the internet on purpose and unsuspectingly. Initially, the primary purpose of cloud computing was to provide a centralized data bank that organizations could use for quick data access. Its use has been quickly adapted, however, beyond business use to become the first option for personal use. The advantages and disadvantages of implementing such a shift from business to personal are varied, yet, statistically, according to the CISCO Global Cloud Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2014-2019 White Paper, its public use is on the rise. The report notes that “by 2019, 56 percent of the cloud workloads will be in public cloud data centers, up from 30 percent in 2014 and by 2019, 44 percent of the cloud workloads will be in private cloud data centers, down from 70 percent in 2014”. Though disadvantages with regard to data security is prominent, users have deemed that its implementation will still promote greater benefits than loss.
Usage of remote servers via internet to store, manage and process data instead of using a personal computer is known as Cloud computing. It’s a set of Information Technology services with the ability to scale up or down their service requirements. Most of the cloud services are provided by a third party service provider. In cloud computing, organizations can utilize IT services without in advance investment. Despite its benefits obtained from the cloud computing, the organizations are slow in accepting it due to security issues and challenges. Security is one of the major problems which hinder the growth of cloud. It’s not wise to handing over the important data to another company; such that clients need to be vigilant in understanding the risks of data infringement in this new environment. This paper discusses a detailed analysis of the cloud computing security issues and challenges. (Ayoleke)
A lot has being said concerning issues surrounding the law and cloud computing. Some of these issues include privacy and data security concerns and laws and regulations. Regardless of what cloud computing models an organization uses, both the cloud provider and the consumer ha to operate under this laws. Therefore both parties need to have a broad knowledge of the these laws such as data breaches, information ownership and control and how close customers can manage risk both at the federal and state levels.
Cloud computing is vast and so are the security threats. When a company opts for cloud computing, it will consider the advantages, but some of the companies fail to consider the vulnerabilities that might lead to data lost and misuse.
The economic case for cloud computing is compelling and at the same time there are striking challenges in its security. The concepts of cloud computing security issues are fundamentally new and intractable. What appears new is only relative to traditional computing that has been practiced since several years. Many such security problems have been giving attention since the time-sharing era. Cloud computing providers have and can build datacenters as large due to their expertise in organizing and provisioning computational resources at as low cost as possible.
Customers, even if security risks are minimal, may themselves distrust cloud computing when transmitting personal data, such as doing online banking. If they only have a vague notion of what cloud computing is, the benefits and efficiencies may seem unclear and outweighed by the risks (Knorr & Gruman 2010). They too may shy away from patronizing businesses that have cloud-hosted data.
A standout amongst the most essential issues identified with cloud security dangers is information trustworthiness. The information put away in the cloud may experience the ill effects of harm amid move operations from or to the distributed storage supplier. Cachinet al. give illustrations of the danger of assaults from both inside and outside the cloud supplier, for example, the as of late assaulted Red Hat Linux 's conveyance servers. Another case of ruptured information happened in 2009 in Google Docs, which set off the Electronic Privacy Information Center for the Federal Trade Commission to open an examination concerning Google 's Cloud Computing Services. Another case of a danger to information trustworthiness as of late happened in Amazon S3 where clients experienced information defilement.
In September, there was breaking news in the American entertainment world – private pictures of Hollywood movie star Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities were leaked online by hacker who stole the pictures from their Apple’s iCloud. People were shocked by this news, and a debate was generated online on whether cloud technology is safe enough to upload private files. Despite this incident, cloud database can be trusted as a secure space to store information as long as the users have some basic safety awareness.
The effects of these dangers can go from information spillage to identity fraud. Information protection and security, outside dangers, visitor to-cloud dangers, other security issues are likewise getting to be vital in Cloud Computing. As expanded measures of information are transmitted over the web and pernicious conduct proceeds with, the assurance and safeguard of information inside the cloud will dependably be display.
The current scenario in cloud computing has evolved from traditional need of cloud platforms as a single platform of data storage and virtual machines to Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Due to growth in availability of number of cloud providers in the market, providers are facing intense pressure of competition for providing best prices and complement it with the best Quality of Service(QoS). QoS is dependent on various factors like latency, acceptance rate as well as reliability. Cloud providers must meet all these requirements and keeping the running costs as low as possible. The pattern of access to these services varies depending on the time of access.
The cloud computing, in comparison with personal computing, offers an extensive range of competencies. Cloud computing is defined in broader terms as “A large-scale distributed computing paradigm that is driven by economies of scale, in which a pool of abstracted, virtualized, dynamically-scalable, managed computing power, storage, platforms, and services are delivered on demand to external customers over the Internet.”12
Threats endanger some essential security prerequisites in a cloud. These threats have large privacy breach, data leakage and unapproved information access at various cloud layers. Cloud computing is an adaptable, practical, and demonstrated conveyance stage for giving business or buyer IT administrations over the Web. Cloud computing influences numerous innovations it additionally acquires their security issues, which we talk about here, recognizing the primary vulnerabilities in this sort of frameworks and the most imperative threats found in the writing identified with Cloud computing and its surroundings and also to distinguish and relate vulnerabilities and threats with conceivable arrangements.
The contents of this report will include the history of Cloud computing, the main trends within Cloud computing, the advantages and disadvantages of Cloud computing and the future of Cloud computing.
According to IEEE (Florian Pfarr, Thomas Buckel, Axel Winkelmann, 2014), a specific problem with cloud computing is that countries like China and Iran, which ignores human rights and deny the remedy, might have access to cloud servers with the intent of surveillance of prosecution. In addition, cloud service providers in the USA are legally bound by the patriot act to provide all customer data to the government of the US. The issue raised by these authors affects smartphone users even without their knowledge as most of the current smartphones are regularly, keeping backups in the cloud and apps like Google photos automatically upload the photos to the cloud unless you change the settings otherwise. Even it is not relevant to their countries, above-mentioned governments violate The Data Protection Act 1998 (UK) which upholds a person’s right to protect his/her data from others. As many cloud computing services supports online editing of office documents from any device, most businesspersons and students intend to use their smartphones or tabs to
Cloud computing is a topic of which much is assumed. The average person recognizes the term “cloud computing” as having to do with their storage from their iPad or iPhone on the online storage area which syncs their Apple devices to their computer. This common cloud is called the iCloud. That is where common knowledge ends about this topic. However, upon further exploration, a deeper understanding is gained with greater explanation, and it is realized that cloud computing is something that is used all of the time on many levels of everyday technology. While the terminology remains cryptic to the mind of most people, the concepts behind the practical uses of cloud computing become quite clear. It is relatable and understandable. Upon this revelation, the iCloud is recognized as the tip of the preverbal iceberg when speaking about cloud computing. It is important to discuss and further understand the many types of cloud computing as well as the various applications to life through technology. This affects how information is stored online, computers are protected, information is secured, emails are processed, and many other factors that are taken for granted in the world of technology. Cloud computing is a general term used to describe how information is stored, utilized, and accessed over the internet. There is no cloud, but the word cloud gives the connotation of an abstract place which is known to exist but is too vast to touch or contain (Griffith,