
The Cock Monologue

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Margaret having some difficulties adjusting herself on his bed. Matt's bed isn't big and hardly has enough space for two people. She roll to her side, but suddenly Matt's cock starts to stiffen against her butt.

"Matt, your penis is touching my butt. Can you scoot over over a bit? Having your cock touching my ass is inappropriate." She angrily said.

"Mom, you know I masturbate every night and you never complains when I have girls over. You're a women, so it's fine...right?" Matt said and his mother argue. "...B-but, I'm your mother. That's incest!"

Matt grin deviously. "Mom, it's not really incest if you're teaching me about the birds and the bees. You're worried that I might knock up some girl at school. You even said you're going to show …show more content…

He wants to enjoy his first time with his mother, without any obstacle intervening in his fun. His cock twitch. When he imagine his bear cock deep inside his mother's cunt and releasing his seed.

Matt quickly snap out of this fantasy. "Mom, that's impossible. You can't get pregnant by her family members. We don't need a condom, remember?"

Margaret walk back to his bed and smile. "Silly me, you're right dear. I can't be impregnated by family members, it's genetically impossible."

Margaret spread her legs widely on his bed. "The top part is called the clitoris, dear." She starts to rub it furiously. "And it's feel..ugh, so good if you lick a girl there." She spread her vagina with her fingers. "The lower part is where you place your cock. Now remember, having sex is a wonderful feeling, but you need to a use condom to prevent unwanted pregnancy."

Margaret slide two fingers in her cunt and starts to masturbate in front of her son. "Look closely dear. See how wet I'm getting? That mean I'm starting to feel goood!" She moan. "Ugh, it's wet enough. You can place your cock in mommy's pussy …show more content…

"You said you're going to pretend to be my girlfriend and want me to call you slut, whore, bitch, tramp." He smiled and add. "You also want to pretend I'm impregnating you. Dam mom, you told me this last week. Don't you remember?"

Margaret's attitude shift and she smiled lustfully at her son. "You're right. I do want to pretend I'm your girlfriend and having you impregnate me. I'm teaching you about sex and you're supposed to get the full experience. I can't believe I forgot about this."

Margaret lock legs behind her son's back and encourage him to continue penetrating. "Fuck your slutty girlfriend dear. Ugh, shove your hard cock deeperrrr inside my nasty hole and get me pregnant!"

Matt aggressively sway his hips back and forth. His cock is throbbing deeply inside his mother and the impending risks felt exhilarating. The thought of his seed blasting inside his mother's womb, who gave birth to him. Push him to the edge at edge of ecstasy.

He breathlessly moan out. "Ughhh..I'm going to fill you up soon, you needy bitch of a girlfriend."

Margaret whimper out. "Yes, this is why you should use protection, but since you're irresponsible. Cum inside your slutty-bitch of a girlfriend and knock me

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