Q1 Read the IEEE/ACM and ACS codes of ethics.
a) Comment on any differences. How to you think these compare?
The ACS codes of ethics is a part of the ACS constitution. As an ACS member you must uphold and advance the honor, dignity and effectiveness of being a professional. This involves, in addition of being a good citizen and acting within the law. While Because of their roles in developing software systems, software engineers have significant opportunities to do well or cause harm, to enable others to do well or cause harm, or to influence others to do well or cause harm. To ensure, as much as possible, that their efforts will be used for good, software engineers must commit themselves to making software engineering a beneficial
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In comparison of ACS and IEEE/ACM codes of ethics in ACS codes a member of ICT should be honest in representing of skills, knowledge, services and products. By following IEEE/ACM codes you can achieve honesty by following the Colleagues codes of ethic in IEEE like Credit fully the work of others and refrain from taking undue credit and from SELF code of ethics not give unfair treatment to anyone because of any irrelevant prejudices. In IEEE/ACM codes “colleagues” and “self” ethics codes can be compare to achieve honesty define in the ACS codes
The competency codes of ethics in ACS and Clients and Employer codes of ethics in IEEE/ACM is the same as Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their client and employer consistent with the public interest.
We can compare the IEEE/ACM codes of ethics and ACS codes of ethic of Professional development as ICT member has to enhance his skills and knowledge and that of your colleagues and staff also. So we can compare of achieving this codes of ethic in IEEE/ACM codes of ethics with “Colleagues”, “Self”, and “Professional” codes of ethics
In the last code of ethics in ACS constitution “Professionalism” as it says an
The Code of Ethics defines the behavior standards with which physicians must comply. The AMA Code of Ethics is designed as a concise document outlining the basic duties and responsibilities of physicians.
As we know, a code of ethics must address the company’s ethical standards, what is expected of from every employee of Widget Tech Inc. Topics covered within the company’s code of ethics should include:
An appropriate code of ethics is a “form of legislation within a professional organization” which “binds it employees”, with “specific sanctions for violation” of the code of ethics set forth ("Code of Ethics," 2015). It’s a “formal document” and does not pertain to the “environment” or an “understanding” a consensus or unwritten rule, or aspect of the organizations culture ("Code of Ethics," 2015). An appropriate code of ethics is based on the “best-practice that applies to universal ethical deliberation” and recognizes, and encourages the “notion that personal and professional ethics cannot be dealt with as separate domains” ("Code of Ethics," 2015).
In the workplace as well as one’s personal life is essential for ethics to be maintained; often taking the right action is not always the most popular choice. It is important for maintaining an upstanding ethical code of conduct to be a productive individual as well as function as an employee in the workplace.
The code of ethics for the Point and Click Corporation serves as the foundation for the Network Architecture Department’s philosophy. The objective is to achieve the highest level of business standards and professional conduct. The principle of the code of ethics is to classify criteria that the company constructed to promote integrity while complying with protocols and applicable laws. The rationale of the code is to reassure responsible measures and good judgement is executed. The Network Architecture Department has a mandatory set of core ethical codes in place they abide by. These codes positon the employees to commit to the values that influence ethical decision making and support the company’s business standards. Ultimately, the team of department heads and staff members have pledged to be accountable for these essential responsibilities.
Code of ethics, are implemented to educate employees on the ethical principles, morals and values of a company or organization. Organizations such as the National Association for Social Workers (NASW), and the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS) have ethical codes in place for individuals working within the Human Services field. The American Psychological Association (APA) have ethical principles for psychologists. Furthermore, journalist’s and corporations have ethical codes they must follow, yet their codes are significantly different compared to the NASW, NOHS, and APA organizations.
The code of ethics for the Point and Click Corporation serves as the foundation for the Network Architecture Department’s philosophy. The objective is to achieve the highest level of business standards and professional conduct. The principle of the code of ethics is to classify criteria that the company constructed to promote integrity while complying with protocols and applicable laws. The rationale of the code is to reassure responsible measures and good judgement is executed. The Network Architecture Department has a mandatory set of core ethical codes in place they abide by. These codes positon the employees to commit to the values that influence ethical decision making and support the company’s business standards. Ultimately, the team of department heads and staff members have pledged to be accountable for these essential responsibilities.
A code of ethics is a set of written principles regarding conduct and behavior created by the organization to serve as a guide. The purpose of ethical codes is to give its employees, management, and any interested party a reference point that adheres to company policy, standards, and ethical beliefs. The code is made visible to the public to ensure professional integrity, quality, and to prevent misguided conduct. Regardless of the organization or governing body a code serves as a go-to guide because ethical issues can stem from anywhere at any given time. The Code of Ethics for Nurses is so dynamic because as technology changes, so does the code to ensure that updated knowledge is provided to healthcare workers as they address new ethical
The IT Security code of ethics will be a strict working model of the department. The code of ethics will be the teams guide to upholding to the strictest standards for the safety of each individual. By having the power
I chose the three codes of ethics depending on their nature. The nature of the careers varies and their responsibility to the community, the management and to other employees. The jobs demand ethics in a variety of ways. When we put them together, they can make a perfect set of code of ethics in which each set will help serve a certain party. The code of Ethics from the society of professional Journalists is very important. According to Ethics and Compliance Initiative (2009), a code of ethics should give the guidelines of how employees operate and relate with each other. The code of ethics of professional Journalists has strict measures for authenticity and independence. Our company can borrow a lot from how journalists are required to handle their business especially when many are working on the same assignment. I also chose the code of ethics of Librarians and other Information workers. This people interact most with people like those who want to use the services of an information facility. Most of their ethics emphasize on Openness, neutrality and etiquette. Any
In the paragraphs that follow you will be introduced to the Code of Ethics as outlined by IEEE, and what it means to its members. A comprehensive summarization will be provided for each guideline along with examples of how
This paper provides an empirical approach related to the challenges for information ethics in the current digital era. Ethics is common all professions and organisations. The methodology and level of maintaining ethics varies between different organisation’s and professions. Corporations follow internal and external ethics. Internal ethics for handling the employees and external ethics for marketing, customer service and handling suppliers. In simple language ethics is moral science. But with bludgeoning competition between product manufacturers, service providers
In most organisations, violating or going against the code of ethics results in a reprimand, suspension or dismissal in some cases depending on the gravity of the violation. Thus, this code acts like a commandment to which employees
The codes also show the duties, rights, and obligations of the affiliates of the profession. Clearly, the codes of ethics are not broad enough to cover all possible ethical problems that an engineer might face in his or her career. The codes provide opening points for creating ethical resolutions. It is crucial to know what code of ethics does not implicate: a code of ethics is not a legal script, so a professional can’t be arrested and put in jail for defying its provisions. Although defying the code of ethics may end up in removal from a professional community (ECSA), removal from a community normally will not result in an inability to practice engineering. A code of ethics does not constitute new ethical and moral principles; these principles are established for centuries of societal and human interactions. Engineers were developed with the codes of ethics along with their respective professional communities. In the beginning, code of ethics was related to standard business practices. Code of ethics were updated and modified as the professional communities grew over the years. Code of ethics can sometimes be very specific and detailed but sometimes it can be general and fairly
Specific guidelines, policies, rules should be developed by organizations which should be acceptable by majority of computer users in following computer ethics. People who follow morals and values in everything they do automatically implement the same morals