
The Colonies Were Considered Incapable Of Governing Themselves

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The colonies were considered incapable of governing themselves. Thomas Pownall, a well-respected man by the British and a former Massachusetts governor; stated that due to the “expansion of the nation, the diversity, and the disruptiveness of colonial life [American self-rule impossible]” (Thomas Pownall). Since the beginning of colonization, the colonist have relied heavily on the British government, causing them to be more dependent. The colonies struggle with land dispute between the European nation and Native Americans, the land shortage and involvement of slaves, and the conflict between the Patriots and Loyalist.
The British Empire settled in the Americas along with other European nations. The struggle for conquered land affected not only the lives of the colonists, but also the lives of the natives that obtained the land previously. The establishment of Jamestown created tension between the colonist and the natives. It led to mistrust amongst the two and eventually the colonist decided to kidnap Powhatan’s daughter in order to gain a leverage (Norton, et al, A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Brief 10th Edition,39). Due to the demand for more land, the clash between the Natives and colonist started to effect the colonial life, resulting in the need for the British to become involved. This is an example that shows it is impossible for the colonies to self-govern themselves if they cannot figure out an agreement with the Natives. It took the

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