
The Color Purple By Alice Walker

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Women’s Rights Issues in 1900’s Portrayed in The Color Purple by Alice Walker Alice Walker’s The Color Purple is an excellent account of life as a poor woman in the 1900’s. Not only most women characters in The Color Purple suffered from racism due to gender and skin color, but woman who suffered at the hands of men. All the burdens handed, abuse, and emotions provoked, it’s unbearable. In The Color Purple, Alice Walker resembles the hardships of Women in the 1900’s though the character relationships with men. The character relationships help us to understand how Alice Walker portrayed physical abuse, emotional abuse, and mental abuse of women.
Physical abuse is the use of physical force that results in bodily injury, physical pain, or impairment (“Types of Abuse” 1). In the 1900’s almost all men believed it was allowed, or okay, or what everyone does to abuse their women. Alice Walker resembled through her writing how men poorly treated their women. The Color Purple revolves around a 14 year old black woman named Celie. Celie is growing up in the South in the 1900’s with an abusive step-father Alphonso and a abusive husband identified as Mr.__. Celie and Mr.__ was a significant character relationship contributing to the key theme in The Color Purple. Their relationship had a great deal of abuse, sexual abuse, beatings,and hard work remarkable to the era. Alice Walker uses Celie’s character to send a message of sexual determination and liberation for women. As Well

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