
The Color Purple Research Paper

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In the Pulitzer Prize winning novel, The Color Purple, there is one constant occurrence throughout this fictional masterpiece: abuse. The protagonist, Celie, endures chronic physical, emotional, mental, verbal, and sexual abuse almost her entire life. Celie's constant endurance of multiple types of abuse displays the damaging physical and psychological effects of the average African-American woman in the early 1900s. Alice Walker tells the miraculous story of a young African-American woman's survival in addition to the narrator's journey to discover her individuality through romantic and platonic relationships during a time of racial segregation and female oppression. The first person Celie ever loved was her younger sister, Nettie. Celie …show more content…

Celie's infatuation with The Queen Honeybee forms just from a portrait of the poised performer. Based on Celie's perception of Shug alone gives her confidence to purchase bright colored clothes such as purple and red and attempt to enjoy sexual intercourse with Albert.Celie's first sight is of an ill and demenished Shug Avery, but Celie can only admire her beauty. ''First time somebody made something and name it after me'' (pg.73,Celie) Shug's generousity and compassion towards Celie makes her feel her humanity and adoration for another person. Shug is the first person that Celie verbally confides in. Celie expresses her emotions to Shug saying that ''Nobody ever love me'' (pg.112) in which Shug replies ''I love you, Miss Celie.'' (pg.113) This conversation allows Celie to be emotionally vulnerable therefore being able to heal from the emotional abuse. Celie's romantic pursuit of Shug introduces her to a new emotion: jealousy. ''He love looking at Shug. I love looking at Shug. But Shug don't love looking at one of us. Him.'' (pg.73, Celie) Celie's envy of Albert's relationship with Shug infuriates her. When Shug marries Grady, Celie is resentful an distant towards him. Every sexual encounter Celie has had has been involuntary and unwanted. Celie discovers her sexuality and sexual desire in Shug's presence and in her own thoughts about Shug. Shug invites Celie to live with her in her …show more content…

From the moment Celie arrives on his property to the moment she leaves, Albert abuses her. Celie has endured multiple types of abuse in numerous seperate occasions from this man alone. When Celie moves to Memphis and the condition of Albert and his property diminshes is when he regrets his actions. Albert becomes religous and independent in his household in an attempt to improve himself, and he does. Celie was forced to marry him but after his transformation he asks Celie to marry him instead of demanding marraige. Albert's newly found religion has taught him to ask instead to demand and persecute. Shug's departure to be a traveling talent unites Albert and Celie because of their yearning for The Queen Honeybee's return and their love for her. While Shug is gone Celie teaches Albert how to sew and they begin to form a friendship. ''If you know your heart sorry, that mean it not quite as spoilt as you think'' (pg.282,Celie) Celie saying this signifies that she has forgiven Albert and that the abuse she endured from him will be easier to heal and begin a new found happiness with herself, Albert, Shug, Nettie, Adam, Olivia, Tashi, and Samuel. Her

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