
The Concept Of Classes And Object

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Starting with the basic definition of Object which means an entity which be defined via dimensions usually refer to a thing in the real world. It may be a mobile, laptop, chair etc.. Program can be designed using the concept of Classes and Objects. To simplify the development and maintenance concepts such as Object, Class, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction and Encapsulation. An object is a state or behavior of an entity. It can be a physical or a logical definition. Grouping or Collection of such objects which have the same behavior is called a class, generally represents a logical entity. Inheritance is using the exisitng functionalities and defining new methods. In other words an object acquiring all the behaviors and …show more content…

Package Name - The whole name should be in lowercase letter like lang, util.
Constants Name - The whole name should be in Uppercase like MAX_DURATION, SPEED_LIMIT. Every organization has their own standards but the base of Java naming concepts is the same. Rules are built on top of this base. Objects and Classes are used to design a program in object-oriented programming techniques. Object refers to physical and logical state of an entity where as a Class is a logical entity only. Objects are entities that have state and behavior which can be physical or logical and tangible or intangible. Banking Systems are an example for intangible objects. The characteristics of an object is determined by its State - data or value the object represents, Behavior - represents the functional aspects like start, stop and Identity – refers to the unique ID assigned and used by JVM to identify objects uniquely not visible to the user. For example: Phone is an object. It is name as Apple, Color is white which indicates the state and is used to call or text is its behavior. Object is an instance of Class, the template and blueprint of the class in used to create objects. In other words objects are the result of a class. Objects are real and runtime entities and are determined by their state and behavior. Classes are collection or grouping objects of similar functionalities and are just logical entities. A class in Java contains fields, methods,

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