
The Concept Of Niche Marketing

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Many times coaches, just as any other professionals, have a particular reason as to why they do not want to feel “box in” in a specific professional specialty. Many coaches believe in the importance of individuality, including that of themselves and their clients as well. Therefore, the ideology of uniqueness, challenges the concept of niche marketing. If every person is unique, how can one, target groups? One response to that question is that, even though humankind is diverse, everyone has connecting themes: dreams, passions, and ideas, defining experiences. Emphasizing these connecting topics and qualities is the way to add more meaning to the marketing message and to create a more profound connection with the client.
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Both the approaches described are a form of niche market identification: the first, a rational, measurable approach that aims to reduce risk and with the primary concern of profit; the second an emotional approach based on life experiences that taps into purpose and passion. Both appear to be valid though they may seem self-contradictory. A model that combined the best of both approaches would be valuable.
According to Gazelle, Liebschutz & Riess (2015), “Coaching can provide a means of increasing self-awareness, supporting personal values with professional duties, focusing on the high points, questioning thought patterns and beliefs, as well as providing a helpful sounding board and partnership. These approaches increase one’s internal locus of control, promote resilience (p. 511).
According to Gaskell, Logan & Nicholls (2011), “At a department level, managers have seen immediate impacts just by using the tools to support and complement their day-to-day management styles, with High-Performance Coaching being described as ‘‘life-changing,’’ and ‘‘totally transforming the way I manage’’ (p. 7).
Research Paper Reflection
Having completed this project, I have learned that coaching can be interconnected with the business and emotional aspect to provide life-changing results. Furthermore, I have learned that coaching is a new helping field that is on the rise. Coaching does not only focus on the client’s goal, but

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