
The Concept of ‘Just Development’

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Non-Governmental Organizations are a significant potential force for promoting implementation of developmental programs and projects such as poverty alleviation in areas such as Africa and Zambia in particular. They have for example, pioneered participatory methods in project design and implementation and are strong advocates of strategies that view the poor as economic and social actors rather than passive recipients of welfare.

This essay seeks to discuss the concept of ‘Just Development’ and the reasons as to why Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) find this concept appealing to them. To achieve this, the essay will first define Non-Governmental Organizations in detail and further describe their various …show more content…

NGOs being diverse in their character, would best be categorized in their nature i.e. their evolutionary stage, organizational type, functional nature, geographical classification and finally their membership.

In terms of organizational classification of NGOs, Korten (1990:115-124), states that NGOs can embrace anyone of the following namely, voluntary organizations, public service contractors, people’s organizations and governmental and non-governmental organizations. Voluntary organizations are those that pursue a social mission in terms of commitment to shared values while public service contractors function as non-profit organizations that serve public purposes. Furthermore, people’s organizations represent the interests of self-reliant social groupings.

According to Jeppe (1992) and Bowden (1990:141), functional classification of NGOs would include specialized, welfare, developmental and advocacy NGOs. In this case, specialized NGOs would be those engaged in human and physical development activities with emphasis on technical training, adult literacy housing, agriculture etc. while welfare NGOs focus only on relief and welfare actions. In addition, Developmental NGOs’ primary focus is human development (capacity building) and development of physical infrastructure. Finally advocacy NGOs are those that provide communities and individuals with specialized

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