
The Concept of Communication Style Essay

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The Concept of Communication Style

The concept of communication style has been defined by Rober Norton as
"the way one verbally, nonverbally, and para verbally interacts to signal how literal meaning should be taken, interpreted, filtered, or understood"(1996.p.229) In this, Norton has identified nine communicator styles.
A persons style may be dominant, dramatic, contentious, animated ,impression leaving, relaxed, open, or friendly. These dimensions measure how you interact in various situations. For example, if I speak frequently and try to control the converstaion, you might assume that I am dominant in my communicator style. In determining my own commuication style I had a questionnaire completed by both a friend, …show more content…

This is a characterisitic of my communication stly which is both dramatic and firendly. The dramtic side is often seen when I choose to tell a story or when I am in confilct. There were other noticeable simmilarities which were calculated about my communication style, For example, on "dominant" category the means were all relatively high marks. A dominant person means the person "tends to come on strong, take control of social situations, speak frequently, and otherwise control conversations" (Tremont,p.121) An example of this could be seen through my one-up messages. These are messages which " indicate a desire to take control or limit the action of others"(tremont,P.121). Through my verbal and nonverbal cues I seem to signal to people that I want to take control. This is evident in alll three scores. Other simmilarities of this analysis were also found in the sub category
"perception" Tese simmilaritie were between my friend and aquaitance. The mean in this are all relatively high and although i scored high in this category myself I was surprised that my score was lower than that of Ryan and Leslie.
Impression leaving can be explianed as "a person who repeatedly turns a clever phrase or states his/her observations in offbeat ways"(Willmont,p.229) Through this estimation i can see that my dramatic styles of communication are do leave a strong

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