
The Conception Of The Common Good

Good Essays

The Common Good, as defined by John Rawls, is “certain general conditions that are...equally to everyone's advantage" (Valesquez, 1992, 1). On the other hand, Catholicism has defined the common good as “the sum of those conditions of social life which allow social groups and their individual members relatively thorough and ready access to their own fulfillment" (Valesquez, 1992, 1). The notion of the common good originated over thousand years ago in the writings of Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero. Although it would seem to a societies advantage to establish and maintain a system centralizing around the common good, this is not without someone degree of great difficulty. As explained in the article, The Common Good, for a system based off the concept …show more content…

The concept may work for some components of a society, as seen in the U.S. regarding and housing assistance for low income families, education and military benefits, social security, and Medicare/Medicaid. However, these systems are by no means without flaws. The essay by Bader-Saye offered a four-part theological response including a critique of the self-regulating economy and a proposal for alternative practices to nurture the common good. However, a proposed issue is the idea of “distributive justice,” per Bader-Saye; meaning that common goods (recourses) must be distributed proportionally. Fox example, all those involved in producing apples, would each get an equal share of the apples produced in that …show more content…

“While all may agree, for example, that an affordable health system, a healthy educational system, and a clean environment are all parts of the common good, some will say that more should be invested in health than in education, while others will favor directing resources to the environment over both health and education,” (Valesquez, 1992, 3). Continuing, by forcing everyone to agree upon a specific notion of the common good, it would be violating the freedom of those who not share that goal, which would lead to paternalism (imposing one group's preference on others), tyranny, and oppression Although, the concept of the common good seems very beneficial to the whole of a society, it would be nearly impossible to implement the policy for the whole of a society, however, it is possible to have some components of a society based off the common good, such as laws that benefit everyone or welfare programs that everyone has access to in their time of

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