
The Conflict Of Nathan 's Story

Satisfactory Essays

The conflict in Nathan’s story begins with Nathan’s girlfriend, Paten, leaving a passive aggressive note to Nathan’s roommate and previous childhood best friend, Noah, on the topic of dishes, where this served as the final trigger that led Nathan to explode with such fury and hostility. Immediately, what had previously been a state of unstable peace escalated into a state of Crises, where the situation was threatening to both Nathan and Paten because of how physically violent Noah reacted within that instance. They remained in crises for a while and exchanged very heated words. The nature of the conflict was that Noah could not tolerate Paten’s “repeated pattern” of behavior anymore and this “behavior” he was referring to was how Paten …show more content…

The driving force behind this entire conflict begins with the situation Paten was in prior to this: homeless combined with her psychological disorder that she had been battling all of her life that negatively impacted her social-well-being. Her reason for not having a place to stay was due to her previous engagements with her former best friend Donnie that was severed immediately due to a heated dispute they had on media that dented their friendship and caused tension between the two. Despite Paten’s apologies, their relationship remained at a state of unstable peace because of high tensions and no attempt to communicate. Ultimately, this made Paten very resistant upon continuing their agreement by moving in with each other and it really took a toll on Paten’s mental state. In addition to that, Paten couldn’t even rely on her family for any support because their relationship was very cold and distant, lacking any efforts of communication and care. Nathan was the only person Paten had and he offered her a home in the apartment he shared with Noah and their friend Hannah until she could get other accommodations. Interestingly enough, Nathan promoted negative peace, in the sense that he took away one of the problems that troubled Paten when he offered her a temporal place to stay. Unfortunately, the effect of the

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