
The Conflict Of The American Civil Rights Movement Essay

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In particular, Lewis’s book discussed “The Crisis” newspaper that DuBois in which he used as a vehicle to discuss his views. Throughout his book, Lewis describes DuBois Christian beliefs as an influence on his perspectives. That is what makes his account of him different from other historians that written about him. While, they focused heavily on the man, the intellectual in his activism, they do not examine his background much. Lewis writes of DuBois, “he catechized readers with the pursuit of Democracy, Justice, and Progress… achievable only by following a straight path.” In other words, by connecting his vision with religion, DuBois can draw Christians to advocate for African-American rights because it is morally right to do so. What is interesting about Lewis account is that he highlighted a key point in the American Civil Rights movement: the connection to religion. By doing so, he contrasted himself from other historians who shied from making that declaration. Lewis was able to reach that conclusion, only after, an extensive look into DuBois personal life. The evidence he uses to support his position takes cues from “The Crisis” pages. Again, Lewis uses DuBois own words in his editorials as he tried to educate his readers on issues that may have been previously unaware of. Lewis interpretation of the paper leads readers to believe that he shared that similar sentiment with other historians in the significance of an African-American man having a voice during this

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