
The Consensus View, Conflict View And The Symbolic Inter

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Through out the film there is three perspectives that stand out, these perspectives are the Consensus view, Conflict view and the Symbolic Interaction. This film follows the life of Ace who starts the film as a dry cleaner but through out the film become a drug dealer and a good one at it to. In the beginning of the film he is reluctant to deal drugs and we can see that because he always is denying to help his sister’s boyfriend Calvin to deal even though he makes more money than Ace will working as a cleaner. Ace denies Calvin because he knows that drug dealing is illegal and that follows the consensus model. The Consensus model is when the majority of society agrees that certain actions or behaviors could damage the society so they create …show more content…

While Mitch is in jail making new friends like Rico, Ace takes Mitch’s place selling cocaine that he gets from Lulu a customer from the dry cleaners. The reason Ace makes so much money is due to the fact the Ace sells his cocaine at a lower price than every dealer. The reason he does this is because this world is a dog eat dog world and this is the part of the film were the conflict model. The Conflict Model is when society is has an uneven distribution of power through out society and an uneven distribution of resources as well as authority which always make society always in the state of conflict.(Adler, Gerhard & Laufer, 2018, p. 15) This fits the conflict model because there is an uneven amount of money in society, so you have to compete to get the most money you can and Ace does that by lowering his prices. Though Ace says that “there is plenty of money to go around and that everyone can live and maintain”(Stones, 2002) he is wrong because money is a limited resource that puts society into conflict. Another example of this model is at the end of the film when Rico shoots and kills Mitch because Rico wants to be the only drug dealer in the community.

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