
The Consequence Of The Single Story Analysis

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Every story has two sides. We need to learn to look it from both point of views to get the full picture. The dangers of reading a single story include stereotypes, false image, and prevention of the mind expanding. In 2009 the Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie gave a lecture of the dangers of a single story. In the speech she stated, “The consequence of the single story is that it robs people of dignity. It makes our recognition of our equal humanity difficult and it emphasizes that we are different rather than how we are similar.” In this quote, she explains how the dangers of a single story create initial thoughts towards people that may or may not be true, which ultimately leads to stereotyping, when we are most nearly the same. …show more content…

Society has depicted us into believing that all immigration is bad, when really there are sickening stories of the reasons behind immigration. Immigrants come to America to seek a better life, to find better jobs, and to overall improve their way of life. People don't just come from Mexico they come form all over the place, specifically Venezuela. Venezuela is facing major problems regarding inflation, which is why people come to America. They come to get away from the troubles of inflation and to start a new life. A teacher of mine has a friend that is an illegal immigrant and she has told me the first hand stories about how hard and frightening their life is. They live in fear everyday that they will be sent back even though they live normal lives and have children that were born and raised in America. She also told me that they have done all the paper work to get their green card but were turned down after seven years of waiting. Now, there is nothing they can do, but pray that they don't get pulled over for a faulty tail

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