The Constitutional Convention held in 1787 was a major step in America’s foundation. The compromises reached at this important meeting would end up shaping the country into what it is today. The Constitutional Convention was created in order the correct the Articles of Confederation which were deeply flawed. The meeting included the important founding fathers ranging from George Washington to Benjamin Franklin. After careful thought, the Articles of Confederation were soon scrapped and the delegates at the meeting began to create an entirely new government system. However, some states had their own private agendas. Different regions wanted different things and it reflected their ideals through their plans. This made coming to a compromise …show more content…
Socially and economically, the biggest and most controversial issue in the states was slavery. The Southern states relied heavily on slavery for their plantations and also wanted them involved in the state census. This became a problem to the Northern states because slavery was big in the South, but not the North. If slaves did become part of a population count, it would make the Southern states have more power in the government. As shown here, it is very easy to see how America has become divided into two halves when it comes to economic and political gain. In a sense, this debate was almost foreshadowing the Civil War. The South was extremely selfish as they themselves considered slaves almost less than human, but when it came to gaining power, they were ready to have the slaves counted. The 3/5th Compromise was a great solution to the slave issue. The 3/5ths Compromise stated that for every five slaves in a state, three of them would be counted towards the population and also towards taxation. Trade was a huge issue in America during this time. The Southern states which relied on tobacco and cotton plantations ran by slaves feared that the federal government would one day choose to ban slavery rendering their means of making money obsolete. Not only that, but the south also feared taxes on their exports. This led to the southern states wanting state regulation of trade rather than having federal trade. The Northern states at this point had
After the United States declared its independence in 1776, a Congress formed to develop a new stable government and sought to build the very first constitution fulfilling early republican ideals through creating The Articles of Confederation during the midst of the American Revolution. Eventually, this lead into the creation of the Constitution- an accidental yet purposeful replacement - just a mere decade later due to the immense problem-prone regulations and irregular stipulation ranging from economic disorganization to a counterproductive legislative branch. In other words, the beginning of the republican experiment was consequently and truly an utter disaster that caused much discourse to the feeble fragmentation of the newly formed United
During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, representatives were sent from each state, excluding Rhode Island, to create a new constitution for the soon to be the United States. This new Constitution guards against tyranny by setting into place certain policies and principles to separate power such as, the separation of powers, checks and balances between those, and a bicameral legislature that gives fair representation.
In May of 1789, the Constitutional Convention was held in to Philadelphia to get rid of the Articles of Confederation and make a new constitution. Since the Articles Of Confederation was weak and did not have enough power to have the national functioning well. The delegates want the new constitution to have a strong central government and be able to hold the nation together. The hardest part in creating a new constitution for the delegates was to prevent any type of tyranny that let any person or group of people or branch or level of government to have too much power. Eventually when the constitution was finished, it managed to guard tyranny by dividing
The Constitutional Convention was the gathering point of the fifty-six delegates from the twelve states where the latest Constitution was written. This historical event took place at the Annapolis Convention in Philadelphia. The Constitutional Convention met between May and September of 1787. They argued on almost everything, some delegates argued over the powers that the president should have, and other argued about the number of representatives each state should have. To settle these problems, compromises were proposed. The most important compromises that led to the creation and ratification of the Constitution of the United States were: The Great Compromise, The Three-Fifths Compromise, The Slave Trade Compromise, and The Massachusetts Compromise.
The Constitution was intended to answer many questions about the United States government and how it will be ran after the ratification of the Crown. The problem then becomes compromising on the issues. Compromising over issues that will be the foundation of American government. Each state would appoint delegates to speak for them. The delegates from different states would come to have many disagreements from slavery, representation, to Federalism.
In 1781, the Americans, after a long hard battle, finally got their full independence from the British. Since they had their freedom, they needed something to base their free country off of; this is where The Articles of Confederation came in. Since the Americans did not have to take orders from anyone else anymore, they needed guidelines to what their lives as free was going to be like. Decisions In Philadelphia: The Constitutional Convention of 1787 explains to us what the men who wrote the articles of confederation were feeling and thinking that summer in Philadelphia. This book also explains what certain compromises the men had to come to in shaping the Constitution, but
Fifty-five delegates from twelve states met in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation. Instead of improving the Articles, they completely scraped it out and created a new Constitution. This new Constitution was known as “a bundle of compromises.” No matter the personal desires of each leader, they had to compromise and adopt a Constitution that was acceptable for the entirety of America. They had to create something that was suitable and met the needs of the whole nation. The document created one of the world’s most democratic governments. Many compromises were made at the Constitutional Convention, such as representation, slavery, and laws regarding foreign / interstates imports and exports.
During the late 1800’s there were turbulent times between the Northern and Southern States in America, one the vastest areas that was constantly being quarreled against one another is the usage of slavery. As slavery was the principal component within the Southern States, it provided the basis for many of the cash crops that were spread throughout. Whereas, many within the Northern States were firmly against the usage of slave and wanted to end this practice once and for all. This continuous incompatibility between slave states in the South and the free states in the North eventually ended up colliding into a Civil War. There were many aspects that led to this collision, such as; when America expanded into the western terrain after the Mexican-American
In May 1787, 55 delegates came from the 13 states to discuss the changes to be made to the Articles of Confederation and how to improve it to prevent and end the problems and issues created by it. They, instead, decided to make a new document called the Constitution. The Constitution was a plan of government designed to fix the problems and issues created by the Articles of Confederation. It was formed by much discussion and debate. Many compromises and plans were made. Not only did it plan for a stronger and more stable government, it also prevented the abuse of power in the government.
The Constitution Convention was made, some of compromise which was balancing power between the federal government and state government in 1787. Because of some issues was emerging at a constitution convention like lager and small states those the key compromises helped to create a perfect constitution of the united states.
The 1787 Constitutional Convention was paramount in unifying the states after the Revolutionary War. However, in order to do so, the convention had to compromise on many issues instead of addressing them with all due haste. This caused the convention to leave many issues unresolved. Most notably were the issues of slavery, race, secession, and states’ rights. Through the Civil War and the Reconstruction, these issues were resolved, and in the process the powers of the federal government were greatly expanded.
The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was held to address problems in governing the United States which had been operating under the Articles of Confederation since it’s independence from Britain. Fifty-five delegates from the states attended the convention to address these issues. The delegates consisted of federalists who wanted a strong central government to maintain order and were mainly wealthier merchants and plantation owners and anti-federalists who were farmers, tradesmen and local politicians who feared losing their power and believed more power should be given to the states. The Constitutional Convention dealt with the issue of the debate between federalists and anti-federalists. The debates, arguments and compromises
On May 25, 1787, fifty-five delegates from twelve states met in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation. Instead, they decided to totally scrap the Articles and create a new Constitution, known as "a bundle of compromises." Whatever these leaders ' personal desires, they had to compromise and adopt what was acceptable to the entirety of America, and what presumably would be suitable to the nation as a whole. There were many compromises made at the Constitutional Convention, such as representation, slavery, and laws concerning foreign/ interstate imports and exports.
The southern states felt attacked when the Federal government placed a high tax on imported goods. (pg. 341). This became known as the tariff of abominations. (pg. 342). The southern states imported more goods than the norther states because they did not produce many finished goods required for everyday life. The southern states felt that this tax helped the northern states at their expense. The southern states exported unfinished goods to all over the world like cotton, tobacco, and sugar cane. South Carolina was once again the first to take action against this new tax. Politicians brought the problem up to congress and were able to get the tax reduced in 1832. (pg. 342). This reduction did not satisfy the southern states. They wanted the tax removed. Again the issue was brought to congress but it was not removed so South Carolina took radical action. The state legislature passed an act nullifying the federal law and refused to collect the tax at all of its ports. (pg. 342) So over the issue of a slave built economy a state government was over ruling the federal government. This is a major problem American politics. The federal government was created to have power over the state
Prior to the 1820’s, the people of the United States had been struggling to find a way to solve their sectional tensions brought on by slavery in the south. The south had always had an economy based on agriculture that could not strive without their uses of slavery. They did not plan on ending slavery anytime soon, especially since it was really all they had to support themselves. They were against establishing an industrial based economy like the north had began to do in the 1820-1830’s. The real cause of the sectional tensions between the North and the South during the 1820’s-1860’s was not slavery itself, but how it affected each society so differently, and it was very challenging to find a compromise to suit