I don’t think that the United States should recognize Colombus Day as Indigenous Day because of the conteversy that Columbus caused to the Native americans . Christopher Colombus was getting create for something that he didn’t discover. The native americans got little to no credit for being there first. We don’t get to learn about how Colombus treated the Native Americans as well. The only thing that America praises him for is the discovery of new land. People tend to say that “Colombus discovered America in 1492” but , they never gave credit to the people that was there first. A lot of Native Americans was living on the land first. A lot of vikings visited the lands first. Christopher Colombus just came and took over everything. Christopher
The first reason why columbus day should be banned or changed is Christopher Columbus didn't actually discover America. Where he did land is in a unknown Caribbean island.Secondly during his interactions with the “indians” he used them for slavery and forced the Native Americans to convert to Christianity.Finally the last reason that Columbus Day should be banned or changed is that during the “age of exploration”, Columbus brought many different diseases to the native
Many people believe believed throughout history that the beginning of North America’s inhabitance was when Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean in the year 1492. They believed that he is the person who discovered America where in fact it was the Native Americans who made the initial discovery. Therefore, Columbus’s mission is considered more of a journey. One of the motivators behind the voyage was to move away from Britain and begin a new life in what was to them, land of potential opportunity.
Columbus Day should be a day of remembrance for the Native American people, instead of a day of celebration for the historical beginning of America. The Europeans came to America and claimed that they discovered the land. But the truth was that there were Native American people living in America way before the Europeans arrived. The Europeans oppressed the Native Americans.
According to Loewen they got his name right, and not much else. Lies points out that there were many groups of explorers that had "discovered" America before Columbus. He probably used some of their information as a basis for his plans to sail west. A full eight pages are devoted to other possible explorers. These groups include ancient groups from Indonesia, Japan, China, and Phoenicia. More recent groups include the Vikings, British Islanders, West Africans, and Portuguese fishermen. There are varying levels of evidence connecting these groups to pre-Columbian America, but still enough to throw doubt into the mix. Columbus got the credit because of the way in which Europe responded to his "discovery."
Christopher Columbus sailed for Spain in 1492 and claimed all islands around San Salvador looking for gold. Spain eventually sent Columbus back to create an Empire. America should not celebrate Columbus Day because of Columbus’ cruel punishments towards others, the way he influenced today's world, and the way he did not prove anything new. Christopher Columbus caused cruel punishment by cutting peoples hands off, making dogs attack the Native Americans, and by silencing the Native Americans. Columbus Day should not be celebrated because he influenced today's world negatively through slavery,stereotyping, and genocide. Finally, Columbus did not prove anything new because people already lived in the new world, he was not the first non-american
Since he is the one people usually think of when discussing alterations of America as the Indians knew it. I argue that since America already had many people living that and was already colonized he didn’t really discover it. I believe that he stole America from the Indians as the Europeans will do many times throughout history. Christopher Columbus was really searching for the riches that Asia held when he found America. Through research a person would find that the initial contact with the new world started with trade.
Lately, there have been some questions to whether or not Columbus Day should be celebrated. This question is highly debateable, but the accomplishments of Columbus overcome any doubt to whether he should be celebrated. Columbus is one of the most recognized explorers ever, he was ambitious, intelligent, and dedicated. Columbus should have a day commemorating him, and that is self evident.
Columbus Day is a day on the second Monday of October that recognizes the exploration of America. Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who worked in the Spanish government who came to the island of Hispaniola in pursuit of finding a shorter route to India. This controversial holiday sparks many argument about why we shouldn’t have the holiday and others defending the holiday. The good does not make for a good argument against all the bad that the day represents, including: taking a land that was not his, the brutal genocide of Natives, and the enslavement of Natives for illogical reasons.
Columbus never discovered America since it was never close to empty. Evidence from source 4 is, ”this 175 million figure is roughly equal to the estimated 1492 populations of Europe, Russia and Africa put together.” Through definition, to discover is to be the first to find or observe. It is not possible to discover a place where there are thousands of people living already (source 4), especially if the location has more people than the region the individual is coming from. America was never discovered by Columbus since he already had knowledge of these new lands. Another definition of Discovery states that it is when someone finds something unexpectedly. There is discussion on the topic that states that Columbus already had knowledge of New Lands far in the West (source 4). Leading individuals to question if America was ever really discovered by Columbus. Columbus was never the first non-American to set foot on America. There is evidence on how people from all around the world had traded with America, found in books published before Columbus arrived (source 4). These are the ways in how America was not really discovered by
Columbus Day should not be abolished as a national holiday, because Columbus overcame obstacles to arrive in America (Document E). To begin with, Columbus sailed over an unknown sea, without knowing what was on the other side. If it wasn’t for Columbus’ bravery, America would still be unknown to most of us. Second, he made a great proficiency in geography, astronomy, and drawing, as they were necessary to his favorite pursuit of navigation (Document B). Finally, Columbus was the greatest, because he accomplished the most against the highest odds (Document E). In conclusion Columbus overcame obstacles to find America, so we have to show Columbus some appreciation.
In the essay written by Jeffrey Hart entitled, “Discovering Columbus”, he argues strongly that, in fact, Columbus did discover America. He starts off by describing Columbus as “a genuine titan, a hero of history and of the human spirit.” He goes on to say
Who discovered America? When most people think about this, the first thing that comes to mind is Christopher Columbus. When Columbus returned from the Antilles in 1493, he was not the first European to have stepped foot on the New World. What if I were to say that the Vikings were the ones who actually discovered America? However, they didn’t get credit for it because of the bad things that they have did.
To start off, Indigenous People’s Day, or Columbus Day, Which do you prefer? First off, why is it called “Columbus Day”? Well, as stated earlier, it was named after Christopher Columbus, who as we believe today, “discovered” America. Many believe that it was him who founded the Americas, but really there could’ve been earlier settlers or even Native Americans who lived on those territories before Columbus made his way there. What is a pro of having this day named after Columbus? A source I found called “www.scholastic.com” stated, “ The holiday honoring Christopher Columbus's sighting of America on October 12, 1492, is observed in the states of the United States and also in parts of Canada, in Puerto Rico, and in some cities in Italy and Spain. Although Columbus was not the first explorer to set foot in the Western Hemisphere, his landing at San Salvador Island in what is now the Bahamas was very important. It opened the way for the settlement of America by Europeans.” So, basically we named this holiday after Columbus because it was assumed that he was one of the first to see and discover the Americas. Another source titled “www.osia.org” stated “Columbus Day celebrates the beginning of cultural exchange between America and Europe. After Columbus, came millions of European immigrants who brought their art, music, science, medicine, philosophy and religious principles to America.” From one’s point of view, it may look like Columbus did many great things that led to the development of America. But no one really knows what was at stake because of Columbus’ decisions. A con relating to the naming of Columbus Day is in a
We celebrate Columbus Day every year since 1937. He traveled from Spain to North America trying to find the Northwest passage on August 3rd, 1492. He failed to find the passage ,but instead he found new land. People think as him as a hero ,but most people haveńt heard of the things he had done. People now of today are still debating whether or not if he should have a holiday. Celebrating Columbus Day shouldn't happen. He did horrible things to the natives, children, and countless other people. He shouldn’t have a holiday as it will be shown multiple times and again.
According to reliable references, leif Erickson discovered America around 1000 AD on on e of his explorations. The migration in America from Clovis people approx 14,000 years ago is widely accepted as some of the first inhabitants of the continent. After discovering Greenland, Erickson and his crew stumbled up the New England Coast of America. It is also a known fact that when Columbus reached America he mistreated the Native Americans and took advantage of their kindness.