
The Contribution of the Supernatural to Richard III Essay

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The Contribution of the Supernatural to Richard III

During the Renaissance period people were very superstitious and England on a whole was an extremely religious country; people believed in both God and the Devil and Heaven and Hell. They also believed in prophecies, supernatural and curses. A modern audience would have reacted very differently to the play than a Shakespearean audience. The events contained within Richard III must have seemed very real to a Shakespearean audience as it depicts the historical events of the rise and fall of Richard III. For a Shakespearean audience these events happened only a century earlier. To a modern audience it is viewed as what it is, a dramatisation of a …show more content…

Richard III is a play based upon the dramatisation of history.

The supernatural is an event that depends upon the superseding of the laws of nature, an event which cannot occur naturally in our world under any circumstances with or without the assistance of any natural being. Only God, or the Devil, has the power to cause supernatural events to occur. Richard III deals with supernatural elements such as curses, devils, dreams and witchcraft. I believe supernatural elements were included in Richard III to add a sense of dread that matches the malice of Richard, to show that divine nemesis exists. Shakespeare created Richard as a machiavellian who takes delight in governing through fear and force. He is a character of sheer evil; however Shakespeare provides a contrast to Richard’s villainy via the voices of the female characters. Margaret and Anne contribute by predicting the dire consequences of Richard’s acts; they also express their intense hatred through curses.

The most common use of supernatural by Shakespeare within Richard III is curses. Curses are magic spells placed upon people with the intention of harm. The desired affect of curses can range from illness to death. Curses are commonly associated

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