
The Contributions Of Plato 's The Apology

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Although I have always been aware of the contributions that Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, and others have made to the advancement of philosophy, I was never quite aware of how profound their teachings impacted their fellow citizens as well as modern day society. In seems as though their teachings can be, and have been, applied to every facet of life. For myself, I feel that virtue is something that can be taught and learned from sources such as parents, friends, and the environment.
Before attending Introduction to Ethics I thought I had a good grasp on the definition of the word virtue. I knew that it meant doing what was morally right, but what was sometimes missing from my definition and my practice of virtue was the sincerity behind my actions. After reading the teachings of Plato, Aristotle, and Epictetus I have learned that more often than not I teeter towards the “seeming good” aspect of virtue rather than genuinely practicing a virtue for the sake of my soul and my happiness. In Plato’s The Apology, Socrates states that “virtue is the utmost importance and should come first to wealth. Being rich and having a position means nothing if you don’t genuinely care for others.” All three philosophers believe that virtue, whether it be in the form of wisdom, truth, courage, or munificence, is good for the soul and can be a link to finding true happiness; I wholeheartedly agree with that theory. For example, when I concentrated on “seeming good” in order to keep up

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