
The Controversial Issue Of Homosexuality

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Homosexuality is a very controversial issue that has emerged in our society. Depending on one’s upbringing and mentality, individuals have formed their own personal opinions and have taken sides either to support or to oppose the issue. Homosexuality throughout the years has sparked so much controversy that it was brought to the United States Supreme Court, which is known to be the highest court in America. It is up to the justices of the court to determine how states and society will view and treat homosexuals. Especially considering gay marriage, whether individuals will support or oppose same sex marriage. However, before same-sex marriage was recognized and states legalized it all across the country. Initially the issue of homosexuality gradually escalated, causing states to reconsider and derailed from the fourteenth amendment, which acknowledges equal protection and due process to the laws under the constitution. Some states decided to take action into their own hands by addressing the issue of homosexuality, by banning and refusing to recognize it as a legitimate union. A state in particular, Texas has enacted legislation such as, “Homosexual Conduct Law” which criminalizes individuals who practice homosexuality. In the case of Lawrence vs Texas, the Supreme Court concluded that this law was unconstitutional and therefore a violation of their fourteenth amendment right, to due process and equal protection under the law. Individuals have taken a stand

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