Fergie, the popular singer, songwriter and actress once said, “I'm famous for splurging at fast-food places. I'm currently obsessed with Taco Bell's bean and cheese burritos with extra green sauce and extra cheese. Gluttony!” Her, like many Americans today, eat fast food and enjoy it. This would be perfectly acceptable, except for the fact that fast food typically has many issues surrounding it that includes the ingredients in the burgers and chicken, obesity, and sanitary practices. First and foremost, numerous studies have proven time and time again that eating fast food directly correlates with weight gain. In other words, if you eat fast food often, you have a very high chance of becoming overweight or even obese. According to a
Fast food eateries are one of the main, if not the primary, reason behind obesity in the United States. Fast food, what many people for the most part view as a speedy approach to get some nourishment, is really killing a large number of individuals than you may suspect. In this current time, nearly everybody realizes that fast food isn 't especially the best thing for you to eat, yet that won 't verge on preventing us from eating it. Diverse things play a component with respect to why we as a whole eat fast food. It could be a money related circumstance, a little or extensive depending on the oily stuff, or only a requirement for snappy sustenance.
Firstly, it is a well-known fact that eating too much fast food is extremely unhealthy. Foods such
From reading all five articles, the one I would have to agree with the most would be, “The Battle Against Fast Food Begins in the Home,” by Daniel Weintraub. Weintraub stated that if we are looking for someone to blame about our child obesity rate increasing in extreme amounts and our exercising rate decreasing, we should blame the guardians of the kids. To be more specific, if you have obese children, stop blaming them about their problem. Start to blame yourself. You are the cause to their problem by not teaching them that eating healthy is super important.
Larissa Gedney wrote that fast food is often perceived as a completely unhealthy food choice, but lately fast food companies have upped their games in the health business. Just because they’ve gotten healthier it doesn’t mean that you should eat it four to five times a week. Some restaurants are better than others, for example McDonald's Bacon Clubhouse Crispy Chicken Sandwich is 750 calories, while Chick Fil A’s Chicken Sandwich is only 440! Caesar Barber could eat an elephant and gain less weight than eating at McDonald's.
Eating fast food more frequently is associated with a poor nutrition profile: higher intake of total calories, fat, saturated fat, sodium, and SSBs, and less consumption of fruits, vegetables and milk.3,4
While everyone generally knows that fast food is not good for their health, however people still eat it for various reasons. Most people that buy fast food have low incomes, are uneducated, and/or are people just trying to save a couple of bucks. Most people trying to save money are buying fast food and it is costing their health in the long run. This will eventually end up costing people even more money.
There are many books and movies, coving fast food and the dark side of all American meals. According to Eric Schlosser, “Fast food is now so commonplace that it has acquired an air of inevitability, as though it were somehow unavoidable, a fact of modern life”(7). In fact, there are
Since Americans typically live hectic lifestyles, fast food is a quick and easy way to grab a meal on the go. However, eating fast food frequently provides the body with high amounts of calories, sugars,
While most people generally know that fast food is not good for their health, they still eat it for various reasons. Most people that buy fast food are low income, uneducated, and/or are people just trying to save a couple of bucks. However, the people trying to save money by buying fast food will eventually end up spending more money from the cost of doctor 's visits, medicine, etc.
In today's society, fast food has become a large part of many American's lives. With the rising numbers of obese people, it is hard not to draw a correlation between the increase in fast food and obesity. Most obese people don’t want to be obese and wish they could lose weight, yet they continue to struggle with their fast food intake and obesity. This is due to the advertising done on the consumers, the highly addictive food itself, and most importantly, how advertising and addiction combine with children to form habits that are kept once they become adults. These factors are the reasons that fast food restaurants are to blame for the rising obesity and health risks across America. The government needs to step in and place regulations on
Now days, you can find a fast food restaurant every time you turn a corner. According to, Sarah Muntel, the Author of “Fast Food- Is It the Enemy,” you can choose from a variety of things to eat. You can get a greasy burger, crunchy tacos, or a drink that is filled with sugar. Why should we take the time go buy and prepare a meal when there are a variety of foods all around you? That is the problem that we are facing. Fast food is extremely cheap. You can order dollar cheeseburgers, dollar sodas, and you can even make those orders supersized just with pennies. People even claim that it is cheaper to eat at a restaurant than it is to prepare a meal in your own kitchen. Most Americans now days are having overscheduled and overcommitted jobs, which means that there is no free time in their daily lives to prepare their own meals. There is not anything easier than just going through the drive thru at your favorite fast food restaurant on your way home from work, or taking your child out for a milkshake if they do well in their baseball game. The problem is, people don’t look
Fast food, the highly addictive food that many people can not go a day without eating. In our society today fast food has become the “norm” when we are looking for something to eat, causing our society to accept it as something to be eaten ALL the time. Fast food can affect our bodies more than most people comprehend. According to the United States Healthful Food Council, they say 8 out of 10 people eat fast food monthly and half say they even eat it weekly. By ingesting these large amounts of fatty, salty, and sweet foods, children and adults are becoming increasingly obese. Fast food causes long term negative health effects and is a direct contributor to America 's increasing obesity problems.
Fast food is exactly how it sounds: food that can be quickly produced for a simple meal. Although they may be satisfactory, they are anything but healthy. Eating fast food is appetizing which is one of the main reasons it is so popular. Not only does it taste good to many, but it is inexpensive, too! America is the number one place for fast food. There are over 160,000 fast food restaurants in the United States and over 50 million Americans are served fast food daily. The frequency of eating fast food is also a problem because according to statisticbrain.com 44 percent of Americans confessed to consuming fast food once per week. What people do not realize is the harm that fast food is doing to their body. Not only is fast food a
Is fast food getting to be a problem? Many people love fast food but do not even now what it does to their body. There is getting to be more and more evidence that fast food is bad for people. Just about every day there is somebody that is going to the hospital because of all the fast food they eat. People may not like fast food because it is unhealthy, targets children, and exploits animals.
The purpose of this paper is to provide evidence that the consumption of fast food has a detrimental effect on the quality of society’s overall dental health. With the growth of the fast food industry over the last sixty years, Americans and global citizens have altered their eating habits by consuming a higher level of processed foods with additives and preservatives. The typical diet is comprised of foods high in refined sugars and fermentable carbohydrates instead of natural foods such as fruits, vegetables and nuts. The fast food industry promotes convenience and consumption of soft drinks and snacks in between meals. The continuous sugar intake during the day promotes increased levels of bacteria producing acid which attacks the enamel of teeth. Biological mechanisms to clear the acid, such as saliva cannot prevent the ultimately increased risk of tooth decay against this increased sugar intake. As a result, the role of a dental hygienist is promoting dental hygiene awareness and a proper oral care routine must also incorporate a conversation about healthy daily eating habits.