Extended School days
Having a three day weekend and more time to learn is a huge win win, and with the extended school day that could happen. The extended school day is a controversial issue that has been argued over for awhile. Whether or not we should increase the length of the school day itself and give students a three day weekend or just keep the school days normal. Schools should definitely increase the length of the school day and give students more down time and freedom by giving them a three day weekend, more quality time with teachers in school and dramatically help the struggling students. One big plus to the extended school day is that with more time in school it will allow teachers to teach their subject with a much deeper broader knowledge of the subject area. With more time in the school day students will have more time with all their teachers enabling the teachers to be less rushed and able to help students allowing them to get higher test scores and then overall grades. More time in school will also give students more time to work on and really understand projects and assignments, and also allowing them to get more help as needed. “U.S.
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There is no reason why schools shouldn’t extend the school day. The obvious solution to these problems is just to extend the school day and turn it into the four day week. Changing this can help the students now and the soon to be students by giving them a better learning experience and end up doing better in life in general. The extended school day has been used in some schools across the U.S. and has proven to work just as or better than the normal day. The extended school day will not only affect the lives of the students helping them to succeed it will also better our society if the next generation of workers are well educated and
Many people in the U.S. think longer days are necessary, however it makes students more tired and less ready for their day. With shorter days, teachers have more time to plan a higher quality lesson. They can add more things to do, or find a better way of doing those things. Students will have more social time because they go to school for less time. This is good for a student's mental health. On top of that, students will get more rest. Most students can relate to being tired during a class, with the U.S. system. In Finland, students get more rest. This allows students to be more prepared for their day. That is how beneficial shorter days can
Both longer school days and regular (6.5 - 7 hour) school days have benefits and disadvantages. The Readworks article “Time To Think” discusses both pro’s and con’s about both sides of the argument. Such as, longer school days can cut into after school activities like sports and family time. With regular school days teachers might argue they don’t have enough time to teach students the lesson. While comparing both sides of the argument it appeared that longer school days and regular school days both have the kids’ interests in mind and either way the students will still have a good education.
Adding just an extra ten minutes to each class, the new schedule would create the potential for students to have more homework time, lab time, learning time, and/or valuable free time to read for pleasure, relax with music, draw, etc. (Hadfield). Especially as students get older and more involved in extracurriculars and rigorous academic courses, the need for any spare moment to get assignments done, study, or even sleep increases. When this time is unavailable or extremely hard to get, students are more likely to fall asleep in class, miss school due to illness, misbehave, cheat, hand in incomplete assignments, or drop out altogether. The same is largely true for teachers. The more homework turned in by students, the more grading has to be done by teachers who are already exhausted from a long, often repetitive day of work. Therefore, it is important to emphasize the fact that this extra time should not be used to cram in larger quantities of learning standards or homework problems, but rather to enhance the quality of the already demanding school regulations that are in schools
Some people say that extending school hour's is a bad thing for multiple reason's.I strongly disagree because their are many benefit's to extending school hour's to start at a later time.For example, if state's moved schools hour's to a later time their would be increased performance and reduced absences.There would also be a reduced number of student's falling asleep in class's and much more.
If an hour and half of school were added every day, students would miss after school activities. Students will miss the fun extracurricular activities. and students won’t get the exercise they need.
Imagine sitting at a desk all day listening to a teacher drone on and hand you a worksheet right after that. Well if your school day was 9 hours and 30 minutes instead of 8 hours, then that's what you would have to do. You would be there till 4:30 in the afternoon. Who wants to be there for that with only lunch as a break? Every class would be about 18 minutes longer. Which is why I don’t agree with schools extending the day because it can cause sleep deprivation, result in more kids getting in trouble, and more kids zoning out.
Only having a four day school week would give the students an extra day for the weekend. This extra day would give the students more of a childhood. The students, teachers, and even the staff would get more time to go and explore more things in and even outside their city. Students would have more quality time with their family and could bond more. Giving them the extra day off could also help the students with sports, arts, or hobbies by giving them more time
If the school board extended the school day by one and a half hours,it would provide more instruction time.Teachers would have more time to explain there lessons out to the students.The students would have more time to ask questions and get help from the teacher.Students have a easier time understanding.Due to the school board extending the school day there
Everyone has wanted to have more time after school for homework and other things that you like to do? Well i think that school days should be shorter and mostly everyone agrees. Students would have more time for homework and other activities after school. Teachers would also have spare time to grade papers and come up with new assignments.
Some people might say teachers having a longer school day could give teachers more time on harder subjects but, teachers have less time to prepare. Teachers need this planning for quality learning. Also Dennis Hamel says,”Teachers worry they don't have time to work with students who are falling behind.” His article also says,”But extending a school day will not alone guarantee positive results. Other ways to help students, teachers, and families are needed.” This will not improve test scores alone because students need quality time instead of
Students would also need to power through longer school days in order to meet instructional hour requirements. If students are less attentive, their performance will drop. If absent, students will miss more material due to the longer school days. Students could forget curriculum over the extra day not in school. Despite these points having some real validity to them, four day school weeks can lessen our environmental impact.
If the school board extended the school the day by one and a half hours, there would be many conflicts which schedules. Since students are at school more often, family interaction will decrease. Students will be busy completing assignments, and trying to prepare for the next day instead of spending time with their families. This will cause family relationships to grow weaker and weaker each day. An extended day would also affect sporting events between different school districts. While other school districts are released and hour and a half earlier, we would be released an hour and a half late. This would delay the start time of sporting events. The students who play sports would not arrive home until it was dark. The
Should schools go to a 4 day school week instead of 5 days? This has been a hot topic especially the states that don’t have as large of an economy. A poll where 2,700 random people were polled about 67% favoured a 4 day school week(university of Scranton). The reason why school districts are going to a 4 day school week is to save money and the states that you see switching to a 4 days are states that have economic problems such as Oklahoma. You won’t have to run the electricity or pay for buses. The only question is does it hurt students education but the statistics are showing that is clearly not the case one bit. 4 day school week would be better for schools without a doubt because you save money and kids will be more refreshed and not burned out also their behavior is showed to become better.
According to a report from the New York City district, a school that received funds for longer days fared better on standardized tests. This school had seven percent more students scoring at or above grade level in reading, when two other schools had increases of five and six percent. In math, three percent of students scored at or above grade level in a school with a longer day, compared with one percent for a low performing school and an average of one percent for other schools (Brett 1). This information is one example of many studies that illustrate that long school days have a great positive impact on school performance. The main school goals are improving students’ knowledge and building different skills that will help them in the future. Therefore, if longer school days support these educational goals, people should be concerned about improving schools by lengthening the day.
I think students should not have an 8 hour school day. Most kids do not want to go to school longer than 8 hours. On debate.org a poll named “Should School Days be Shorter” show me that 89% of students said yes and 11% said no. My first reason is that “Students would get home much faster and they’ll have more time for homework and other activities after school.”Also, having a shorter school day would get students to have enough sleep and be energized the next day. My second reason is that the school district will save money and this is a quote from education.seattlepi.com. My third reason is that teachers would work fewer hours and therefore, would get less pay.” So I believe having a shorter school day could benefit the school district to save money and use it for field trips and sports. Students and the school district can be successful with a shorter school day.