
The Controversy Of Making The Grading System

Decent Essays

I hope to resolve the issue of making the grading scale more consistent and easily understood by everyone. The current grading system consists of letter grades, percentages, and symbols that have no corresponding numerical value.Some argue that the grading system is easily understood and helps improve student performance. Others will argue that it has its limits and hard to comprehend. A positive change that I would like to see is improvement in the grading system criteria and making it easier to understand, so that it helps the performance of all students. My opponents argue that the grading scale is difficult to comprehend and has its limits. The opposition would want to resolve this issue because of the criteria and limits they disagree with. Both sides make valid points but, each side can reach a solution that both parties agree to. The current academic grading system is helpful in student performance. The main reason the opposition disagrees with my point of view is simply that they believe the system has unfair limits and is not easily understood by everyone. The opposition argues that,“the grading scale is easy to manipulate because it is often subjective in nature.” (Meador) They argue this because, every teacher has a different teaching style and ways of grading. For example, during high school chemistry, my teacher required that we explain our solving process on each …show more content…

However, that does not making the current grading scale the better option. I have been getting grades for over 12 years and understand how it works. I recognize that people may not agree with my point of view all the time. Parents, grandparents, and people from other countries will not understand our current grading system. As someone who has received several grades in her life, my point of view is valid because, I have experienced being graded and understand each component of

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