The effect of over packaged products, which was always debatable, has now become more controversial. The substantial influence of over packaged product has sparked the controversy over the potential impact of this trend on the consumer over the years. It can be agreed that both consumers and producers are held responsible for this matter. This essay will shed a light on both contentious issues under scrutiny before deducing to a plausible conclusion. At the outset, I will now deliberate what I hold to be the causes of this phenomenon: but the most conspicuous one lie in the fact that, packaging ensures that people can buy and use products when they want them, in good condition and with little depletion. However, it is undeniable that some
17. The marked increase in product offerings, which allows for more customer choice, creates logistical challenges in terms of identification, storage and tracking. Another interface involves the amount of particular SKUs to hold. Marketers often prefer to carry higher quantities of particular items because this reduces the likelihood of stockouts. Product design is often the purview of marketers and can also have important implications for logistical effectiveness and efficiency.
Packaging has become key to the success of a product as proven by kellogg’s cereal, many alcohol brands, and almost as many toilet paper brands. Thomas Hine’s article What’s in a Package explains the reasoning behind packaging why it is an influential as it is. Without packaging most products would be nothing. Companies have learned how to appeal to human emotions in order to increase the sales of their products. These are things that the average person does not even realize catches them because it is done subconsciously. Without the amount of time that is put into designing packages most products would not be as informative as they are now. Customers would have to spend more time looking at things to figure out if that is really what they want. With the competitive atmosphere packaging has created it makes shopping that much quicker and rakes in more profits for the companies. Thomas Hine has given people an inside look at how important packaging really is and has shed a completely different like on consumerism
In the essay, “What’s in a Package”, written by Thomas Hine, the author describes how we live in a world unaware of what’s right under our noses when it comes to consumers and buying items in packages. He explains the many ways packaging is relevant in our lives and how much of an impact it has on us without us even knowing. He illustrates packaging as something that has evolved and is still evolving over time and something that plays a huge role in why we buy the things we do. First, the author introduces how everyone has the desire of wanting to buy things, regardless of where it may be or what it is. He mentions that the businesses selling these items are not only getting you buy their product but also believe they they will benefit us in some way, shape or form.
The familiar box was prone to water damage and moisture problems causing the box to disintegrate and fall apart or the baking soda to clump together. The new packaging is an attempt at increased storage life and more hygienic storage options, allowing the consumer to store the product in its original packaging instead of transferring it to a separate airtight container.
What's the big deal with packages? Every day, millions of products are purchased by consumers. These products can range from a keyboard for your desktop, a box of cereal, or even a new shampoo and conditioner. What consumers do not realize is that although they are buying the product, they are not buying the product itself: they are instead being sold a product by the words and images on the package. In modern markets, the social factor has been removed entirely from the customer to product experience.
Cheskin’s research into marketing and packaging has been very influential, inspiring hundreds of companies to revamp their products. Once a new package or advertisement is proven to be successful, many other companies will try to imitate that package or ad—hence the sudden popularity of semi-realistic food
It is apparent that a growing segment of end users are willing to forgo product quality for a lower price. European firms, in particular, are price conscious and less technically oriented; many firms view packaging supplies as expendable commodities. This has enabled manufacturers of technically inferior, inexpensive uncoated bubble to co-opt AirCap customers with increasing success (Appendix B).
When you shop for groceries where do you stand in choosing either a generic vs. brand name product? Do you reach for the brand name box of Kraft macaroni and cheese, or would you rather pick up a generic box of macaroni and cheese to save that extra 10 cents? Is your decision based off a difference in taste or is it simply a matter of paying for quality of the product? What does spending more money on a brand name food product have to say about who we are in our culture today? Today there is an idea that by buying a brand name product a person is buying something of more quality, which can strangely in turn determine our importance in society.
/ matter of considerable controversy at present is the issue of whether it is the responsibility of consumers to avoid the over-pac+aged products. 6ome people maintain that the producers are the ones who should be held responsible for this matter. ,oth sides of this contentious issue will be put under scrutiny in this essay! and my opinion as to which holds more weight will be given. To begin with! " will now consider what " hold to be the causes of this phenomenon. Pac+aging ensures that people can buy and use products when they want them! in good condition and with little wastage. owever! it is undeniable that some goods have too much pac+aging. Moreover! the pac+aged goods industry is highly competitive! and pac+aging manufacturers are
Product packaging is biggest factor when buyers are making a purchasing decision between buying from Treetop or competitors.
The populace has a tough controversy in over packaged products has a long-term dissent on their psyche and it has to view, as a decisive or trivial brunt on society. And it is plausible to retaliate that packed goods are easy to carry when compared to over packed goods. In this essay, I shall make clear, my outlook by sunder both sides of the measures.
So far as i have observed, This question leads intelligent tactic to pull consumers towards the particular product. The increase in sales, it means deduction in rates and or pricing of the product which is in favor of customers. This imitation of product is profitable just like the innovation of the product. Packaging is also important as the customer at first glance they will encounter product as a good choice nd worth buying feeling. Many grocery stores like Safeway, Kroger, Whole food , they all are improving their store’s brand image with good packaging and more distinctive offers. For instance, Safeway offers Salty snacks like Doritos, Cheetos but rather than big name counterparts, Earth-tone bags made to look more and more like a premium
After television ads, packaging is the most effective form of marketing foods for children. Packaging attracts kids with color, fun characters that they can relate to, and toy prizes in the box that may cause the children to just want the toy
Inside the front doors of a grocery store, customers are presented with a diverse, vibrant display of fresh fruits and vegetables. With its inviting rainbow of bright colors, the produce section leads past the wafting, sweets smells of bread and pastries in the bakery and through winding aisles stocked with an assortment of goods. Linings the aisles and fillings shelves are rows and rows of boxes of pasta, pre-made meals, processed foods, and more snacks and sweets than one would know what to do with. Grocery stores present shoppers with a myriad of choices. The shelves and displays are filled with a variety of different brands and options to choose from, which offers customers a tough and potentially stressful decision when shopping. However, before a customer decides upon a specific brand or item, whether that happens to be a name-brand product, competitor, or store-brand, they are faced with an even more important choice; they must first make a decision on whether they want to buy whole foods and produce, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other healthy choices, or more processed “junk” foods like sugary drinks and snacks or enriched breads and pasta. Not only must costumers decide between specific brands and deals, but they must also choose which of these types of food is best for them and their interests. Consumers must constantly weigh the different factors that are presented when comparing foods; between price, ingredients, health, availability, and overall
Changes witnessed over the last few years on mode of packaging and its economic impact.