
The Convergence Of Gaap And Ifrs

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“A review of information about the convergence of GAAP and IFRS” Revenue recognition is one of the major areas that a convergence of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) unleashes its fiery wrath on US domestic and global businesses. GAAP are the accounting principles that United States domestic companies currently use. GAAP was made and is regulated by the Federal Accounting Standards Board, known as FASB, established in 1973. This is a discussion of GAAP and IFRS, and how GAAP regulations for revenue recognition compare to the principals of revenue recognition established by IFRS standard IAS 18. IFRS was established by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to develop quality and transparent global accounting standards. The United States began working with the IASB and has been on course to update GAAP to recognize the same accounting principles and standards as IFRS since 2002, after signing the “Norwalk Agreement.” The merger was originally scheduled for commencement in 2009 but was postponed a couple of times, and it is now set to take effect December fifteenth of next year for US public businesses. Revenue recognition is an accounting principal that determines when income from selling goods, rendering of services, contracts resulting in interest, dividends or royalties can be measurable and will be recorded as revenue. Revenue is the amount of money a business brings in during its

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