Ayman Zendah
Mr. Sabolcik
AP Lit
PAE 3.2
The Convergence of the Twain by Thomas Hardy is generally assumed to be serious in tone due to it being written in remembrance of those who past away in the Titanic. On the other hand, many believe the poem has an insulting tone against the unsinkable. Hardy talks about the appealing "jewels" in the fourth stanza and how the fish in the sea ask "What does this vaingloriousness down here?" In the fifth stanza. There are three lines that split a common rhyme scheme which is AAA (lines sixteen-eighteen).
The Convergence of the Twain has several tone switches throughout the entire poem, the tone is much from compassion, however it shifts from a sarcastic tone to more of a respected tone. There
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn begins with the boy, Huckleberry (Huck for short), telling a story in a very conversational tone. The story is a recap of Twain’s previous novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, in which Huck and Tom find a robber’s treasure of 12 thousand dollars, and invest it in the bank. Tom had apparently reached out to Huck again, asking him to join Tom’s very own band of robbers. Huck, of course, agreed, and moved back in with Widow Douglas, who cares for him, and makes sure he remains clean. Huck, however, is selfish, and dislikes being “civilized.” He accepts religious and social views the widow enforces upon him, yet decides for himself if he wants to follow them, and doesn’t tell her so as to not cause any unnecessary
The townspeople were grateful and relieved to have the children back in their lives because they truly believed they had lost them forever. I would have reacted the same way as the village because losing something you care deeply about has a major effect on your life. Twain’s descriptive detail helped me imagine the town’s emotions. The emotions expressed in this passage remind me of many television dramas where the child goes missing and is found without any physical harm done to them. I’m certain the children will never truly understand the worry they had caused. All of the children should have been more considerate and thought about the consequences they would face in the future. This passage shows me that the town cares for the children
Many critics agree that Twain's skilled use of the satirical literary style, defines himself as a writer. "If the prevailing spirit of Mark Twain's humor is not a sort of good-natured self-satire, in which the reader may see his own absurdities reflected, I scarcely should be able to define it" (Howells). This similarity was present in all three short stories.
The tone of this poem is established by the way the lines seem flat and void of emotion. The
In Both Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and Catch-22 by Joseph Heller there is a lot of satire included in the novel. Although they both use satire Twain uses different types of satire unlike Heller who mostly uses comical satire. In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn the different types of satire used are slavery, racism, religious hypocrisy and superstitions. Twain uses satire more efficiently because he relates it to serious problems that people could relate to.
Over 70 percent of full time employees work 40 hours or more a week (Wesley, Daniel). These individuals have what many would consider to be a job. So why is it when an athlete spends 40 or more hours a week dedicated to a sport it is considered anything less (Alessi, Dominic)? College athletes cannot be paid or accept any free merchandise of any sort because of rules currently set by the NCAA. The reason for this ruling is to keep the integrity of the “amateur” athletics. It’s an amazing fact that these “amateur” athletes find a way to bring in billions of dollars annually by just being mediocre at their trade. By this logic people should be lining up to buy season tickets to see their math teacher run a 7.2 forty yard dash or pull
Mark Twain is important to American literature because of his novels and how they portray the American experience. Some of his best selling novels were Innocents Abroad, Life on the Mississippi, Huckleberry Finn, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. In these books, Mark Twain recalls his own adventures of steamboating on the Mississippi River.
Mark Twain was a world renowned novelist and a beloved American Writer. He wrote things about what was happening in the world around him and is also a huge part of American Literature. Although Mark Twain is a famous novelist his home life, background/achievements, and greatest accomplishments are what made him who he is today.
I don’t know if the Market Revolution changed women’s quality of life or the strong will of many women. There were several women in this time period that stepped forward and raised up the issue of women’s rights. These women fought to remove women from the “Cult of Ture Womanhood”, helping to fight for equal wage rights, showing the importance of the American women in the workforce and raising the issue of higher education for girls. Emma Willard, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B Anthony, Grimke Sisters and many nameless women joined the fight to improve the quality of life in the first half of the nineteenth century.
Mark Twain is satirizing the advice young people are given by authoritative figures on different issues in life. The words of wisdom used to guide youth usually promote the same ideals and are repeated so often that in some sense they lose their strength. That does not mean though that the issues they touch upon are not important. Twain uses humor to actually make young people go beyond the banality and conformity and ask questions of importance.
One writing that Mark Twain is not as famous for, but is still a well known piece of work for showing the use of humor in his writings is, “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”. This work starts off slow without much humor until later on in the writing. The humor picks up as Twain includes bits of sarcasm to the mix. The humor in this short work is not so hidden or subtle as it may have been in some of Twain’s other writings. One example of this sort of dry humor is, “And Smiley says, sorter indifferent like, ‘It might be a parrot, or it might be a canary, may be, but it an't it's only just a frog.’” (Jumping Frog). This shows a side and type of writing that is not usually seen with Twain. Usually the humor in his writings was always sort of hidden away and harder to pick out, but in this work, it is more obvious that he is trying to make it humorous. “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” may not be as widely known as some of Twain’s other work, but it is a good example of how he includes humor into his writings to catch the reader’s attention and to provide some comic relief from, at times, tense situations.
Mark twain used strong language to get the reader in the mood. He also used strong language to get the reader to understand how the people talked and how the people were treated. Back then in the time that this novel was written was the time when African Americans were slaves. So Mark Twain had to make this novel as close to the real thing in this time period as he possible get it. So mark used the words that people would use during that time. Mark would also use the words that would a fend someone like calling an Indian an injun. And Mark used then n word instead of calling the African American by their name.
The poem is separated into two parts, each with sixteen lines, and is loosely based on an iambic pentameter metre. The rhyme scheme is ABAB throughout the poem, with the noticeable exception of the last four lines of part II, in which it changes to
"All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure" (Twain). This quote is from Mark Twain. He is a very famous author who has written such classics as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain’s real name is Samuel Clemens, and was known to have experienced different many things in his lifetime. He has worked as a miner, printer, river pilot, and more (www.cmgww.com). This tells us that he must have known many things, and possibly how he came up with this quote.
At the apex of the Nile’s waterways, an area that has been inhabited since the time of the Ancient Egyptians, is where Egypt’s capital city, Cairo, is situated. Being at the administrative forefront of the nation’s wealth and population, Cairo holds more control over Egypt’s economic, political, and social workings than any other city in the country. Being the business and social hub of the country, Cairo also boasts millions of residents. As a result of being so densely populated, Cairo faces the increasing concern of expanding slums and informal housing in poorer districts of the city. With the populations in these more impoverished communities increasing at an exponential rate, these areas are getting left behind in the city’s efforts to maintain and improve problems with transportation, sewage, garbage collection, and access to fresh water. These slums are a significant point of inequality in Cairo, and the people of these informal housing districts face many challenges of finding adequate residences, losing their jobs to privatization, and a government more focused on globalizing rather than considering the issues of the poor. The effects of globalization are driving the people of the informal housing districts further into poverty and state of inequality in comparison to the rest of the urban population living in Cairo.