Is the absence of school uniforms leading to an up rise of violence between children in public schools? According to the National School Safety Center’s Report on School Associated Violent Deaths, “Since the 1992-1993 school year, two-hundred seven were shooting victims” (Kelly n pag). According to the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), “10% of all public schools had one or more serious violent crimes (murder, rape, sexual battery, suicide, physical attack or fight with a weapon, or robbery), and most of the serious violent crimes occurred in the middle and high schools” (Kelly n pag).
School uniforms and dress codes should be mandatory for all students enrolled in public schools because they
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These schools do not have gangs or violence, so the school uniforms are not really changing much. However, in areas that do have a large number of gangs and violent crimes, such as big city public schools, a dress code is not being adopted. These clothing related crimes are mostly seen in a high crime area, yet nothing is being done to solve these problems. School uniforms would decrease violence in many public schools because they would reduce the amount of theft that may occur, the amount of bullying that occurs on a daily basis, and the amount of attempted or successful murders that occur. Uniforms would reduce the amount of theft that occurs because every student would be wearing the same clothing. If every student is wearing the same article of clothing, students would not be tempted to steal clothing, shoes, or jewelry from one another. Uniforms would also make every student feel a sense of equality. School uniforms would reduce the amount of bullying that occurs because they would be mandatory for every student; they would limit so called “tough guys” from making fun of students who are weaker or who do not have the brand name clothes, and are less fortunate than other students. The amount of attempted or successful murders would also decrease due to the inability to wear baggy clothes or trench coats where they may easily be able to hide weapons. For example, The California Department of Education states
By the 1980’s,problems with gang violence led to dress codes that attempted to do away with gang colors.Dress codes have routinely been used to prohibit clothes with threatening language,insulting racial slurs,alcohol or drug related messages.Uniform policies began to spread in the late 1980’s and then steadily increased throughout the 1990’s. Though parochial and private schools have a long history of mandating school uniforms”.School uniforms are always discussed in Chicago 's public schools.Why? Due to the fact that school officials feel as if these set of rules will help improve their schools. Something about CPS makes people cringe when brought up to a suburban family or school official.The majority of Chicago 's public school require uniforms yet little to no learning is going on in these classrooms due to their surroundings. A 2013 study reported in the NCBI Social education by Burdick-will, concluded that “For many student attending public high schools,violent events either at school or in their neighborhoods are frequent and routine.This is clearly not the case in all parts of the country and means that the experience of students in chicago may not be representative of students nationwide.It is unclear whether the effects of school
According to Marian Wilde, who writes for GreatSchools¸ uniforms prevent gangs from forming on campus and encourage discipline (Wilde). Even Virginia Ann Bendel Draa, who wrote School Uniforms in Urban Public High Schools, said that school uniforms reduced the amount of suspensions in the school she did the study with (Draa). School Uniforms will create a safer school environment for kids because the students are less likely to get into trouble when at school while wearing school uniforms. Safer schools equals safer children. While having security guards at schools help prevent violence, they do not get rid of violence completely. Schools uniforms also decrease the amount of bullying because bullying can be triggered by many things like not having fashionable clothes (Armerding). School uniforms take away the
Having school uniforms greatly decrease one’s way to get bullied. “Perhaps most importantly, a uniform means students don't have to worry about peer pressure when it comes to their clothes. When everyone is dressed the same, worrying about what you look like isn't so important. There is no competition about being dressed in the latest trend, which would put a great deal of financial pressure on students and parents. Potential bullies have one less target for their insults; it's hard to make fun of what someone is wearing when you're dressed exactly the same...” (Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms?). With the same as gang violence, having uniforms does not get rid of bullying altogether. With my experiences in both non-uniform and uniform enforced schools, I saw far less bullying in schools with uniforms. Most of the bullying incidents I have seen are focused on the kid’s appearance due to clothing. Having the uniforms can help students look at each other in a more equal
Furthermore, school uniforms have the potential to make schools a whole lot safer. Think of it like this – if you were to see a student walk in wearing an ugly polo shirt and sweat pants, (s)he would probably be picked on just because of what (s)he is wearing. We as humans naturally judge on what we see first, and it’s usually their face / clothing. If school uniforms were implemented in many places, then it would eradicate school violence and students wouldn’t be indignant with each other based on what they wear. Also, since everyone on school grounds is wearing their uniform, it would be easy to pinpoint unwanted visitors and be one step ahead. Not to mention it would help kids with less money evade the bullying and teasing that they would usually receive, which brings me to my next point.
School uniforms help schools, academic reputation and help families. Cost is one of the major factors in this process. Behavior is proven to be affected positively with uniforms. One recommendation, I would make is letting schools try uniforms. See if it really helps improve students in the school district and if it doesn't implement it into the school rules. Nothing bad can come from trying to see if something helps school, perform
Larry Wilder, Ed. D had spent 19 years at Fresno County Office of Education, and currently directs the administrative services program in the Fresno Pacific University School of Education said, “The National School Board Association estimates that approximately 135,000 guns are brought to America’s 85,000 public schools each day.” This clearly states that there is a serious problem with students bringing guns to school. If school uniforms are implemented, these numbers are certain to go down. For example, the Long Beach Unified School District to require uniforms and in the first year of having them, there was a 50% decline in fights and cases of students with weapons. Other schools have dress codes that require the beltline to be exposed at all times for fear of a weapon in the waistband. Educators say that because of that policy, there was a decrease in violence, fights in schools and improved student achievement. School is meant to a healthy learning environment and by decreasing violence, with the use of uniforms and dress codes, schools are starting to become better learning environments.
School uniforms lower gang violence since students can’t group up and dress in some particular ways, and visitors can be distinguished from other students. They also help reduce bullying in public high schools. According to Kathleen C. and Carl A. Cohn’s “School Improvement Initiatives in Long Beach, California: The Quest for Higher Student Achievement, Behavior, and Dress Standards” in Education magazine, which was published on December 22, 1998, Long
Certainly, uniforms have benefits in school systems. For one, they can substantially prevent crime or violence. Uniforms replace baggy clothing that could more easily conceal weapons students may bring into school. If everyone dressed relatively the same, it would also help pinpoint if an intruder entered the school who could pose a threat to the students. Secondly, uniforms turn the focus from the clothing to the education. Instead of worrying about wearing the right outfits and fitting in, students can turn their attention and energy to their schoolwork. Lastly, school uniforms create an even playing field for students, intending to prevent bullying and even strengthen a sense of school
Uniforms are argued to positively affect student safety by: lowering student victimization, decreasing gang activity and fights and differentiating strangers from students in school building. Dress codes in public schools would be good, in order to cut down the violence, which would eliminate the problems of
Violence in schools is a big problem. Former President Bill Clinton thinks so during his recent state of the Union address he said: “public schools should be allowed to require uniforms if it would mean teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets” (“Will School…” 1). They believe that wearing the uniform makes quite a bit of a difference in how students will behave (“Will School…”2). If the student wears a uniform to school other than their “gang clothes” it will protect the other students from getting hurt. Violence has gone down in the schools with dress code and people have been impressed by the difference (“Will School…” 2). Schools that do not require the dress code for school uniforms should look at the difference of violence and see that it has decreased with them. “Reports have placed pressure on schools and politicians to act quickly before the situation gets out of control” (Wilkins 1). In 1994 CA Long Beach Unified School District voted 81% (4,079 votes) said yes that school uniforms help prevent gang violence (Hamilton 32). While the rest of the school district said no and that students should be allowed to express themselves through their clothing (Hamilton 32) People say the only down fall with having the uniform are the students can not express themselves with their own clothes they want to wear. Unfortunately many children today wear baggy clothes to
The next advantage of public school uniforms can be identified as the reduction of bullying behaviors. Everyone benefits by adopting the uniform policy. It helps students to unite and share a same goal – learning. Also, by adopting the
Another big benefit to having a school uniform is the increase of student safety in multiple things. The first, is the reduction of bullying. This happens at schools with mandatory uniforms because it gives bullies less ammunition. Bullies have less ammunition because social status and wealth are not visible to other students because everyone is wearing the same thing. Another thing more broad than bullying is physical student safety. For example, at a K-8 school system in Long Beach,CA enforced a two year mandatory uniform policy and the results were staggering. Assault reports dropped by 34%. Sex offences got cut by a whopping 74%! Fighting incidents decreased by 51%, and vandalism dropped by 18%. It is crazy to me how much things can improve in just two short years by having kids wear uniforms. One more thing, is that it makes it a lot easier to identify trespassers. I mean think of all the school shootings that have
Wearing uniform to school have increased of the years, although some schools have not adopted the school uniform policy. Administrators and staff believe that wearing uniform have made schools safer for students, have improved school attendance and increased student achievement, and have reduced the changes of students being bullied. However, others have argued that wearing uniforms have not improve student behavior and wearing the uniform have infringed on student’s freedom of individuality. This essay will explain the importance of adopting a school uniform policy, why all public schools should have a uniform dress code, and how wearing uniform will provide a unified school environment. Therefore, all public schools should adopt a school uniform policy because, it uses will help to reduce bullying, provide a safer learning environment, and help to recognize gang affiliated members.
etting bullied, losing identities, and getting poor grades, are all the things school uniforms could cause. Some schools demand that students have to wear uniforms. The students don’t like to wear them. That is why we have to make a stand today! If there were school uniforms everywhere students would not be able to express their self, it would not change any academics, and they could attract an unpleasant name to the school.
1. King also points out,” More specifically, many have argued that school uniforms assist in reducing school violence and theft; preventing gang activity, such as students wearing gang colors and gang insignia; providing discipline in students; helping students concentrate on their school work; helping students to resist peer pressure; and helping school officials easily recognize school intruders. (P.32, P.33)