The cotton gin and the assembly line may seem at first glance like they are not that important but their lasting effects explain why things like manufacturing operate the way they do today. The cotton gin is a simple box. It has gears and a screen that with a crank on it that, when turned, is used to separate the cotton seeds from the cotton. The assembly line involves a pathway where a car or other item moves from station to station. A specially trained worker at each station will work on one specific area of the car or item before passing it along to the next station. The cotton gin and the assembly line affected history through the wars that both influenced and the industries, such as modern factories and fashion, that they contributed …show more content…
The inventor of the cotton gin Eli Whitney almost went broke because as a result of his invention. He was fighting almost 60 lawsuits over the patent of his cotton gin. #1 “An invention can be be so valuable as to be worthless to the inventor.”- Eli Whitney. With the invention of the cotton gin, America supplied three quarters of the world with cotton during the 1800s While the cotton gin did do well in supplying the world with cotton it increased slavery. #1 In 1790, there were 657,000 slaves in the south and after the invention of the cotton gin In 1810, there are 1.3 million slaves in the south. In 1793, Whitney patented the gin and at the time, 188,000 pounds of cotton are produced. In 1810, there are 1.3 million slaves and 93 million pounds of cotton are produced each year. As a result of the increase in slaves, more than 600,000 US citizens died on the Civil War battlefields.The Civil War can be attributed in some ways to the invention of the cotton gin.#9 The cotton gin was a very important
The Ford assembly line is a system used to make manufacturing and putting together items in a quicker and more efficient manner. To put together it took eighty four separate steps to assemble the Model T car.#7 Henry Ford is credited as inventor of the assembly line. Henry Ford was born in 1863 on a farm in Springfield Township, Michigan, about ten miles
Eli Whitney's machine was the first to clean short-staple cotton. His cotton engine was made of spiked teeth that were on a revolving cylinder which when turned by a crank, pulled the cotton fiber through small openings to separate the seeds from the lint. L-ter on, the gins became horse-drawn and were powered by water. As a result, the cotton was being produced at a much faster pace. The price of cotton also decreased. Cotton soon became the number one selling good.
After the invention of the cotton gin was invented, American cotton moved in ever-greater quantities to the factories of Europe. The cotton industry was among the world’s largest industries at midcentury, drawing on the labor of 20 million workers.
Before the cotton gin was invented there weren’t need for many slaves. They cotton business wasn’t a money making business because of how long it took to produce cotton and seeds. I once was in Georgia and picked a big garbage bag full of it took me a year to remove the seeds from half the bag. Since the cotton gin removed all the seeds and took less time there was need for more slaves to speed the process of picking from the fields. The cotton gin made this business a moneymaker causing increased need for slavery.
The cotton gin invented by Eli Whitney in 1794 had a powerful impact on the slavery business and the Civil War. It allowed one slave to produce much more cotton, making the demand for cotton and slaves much higher, ultimately provoking the civil war and causing much more pain and suffering than what was needed.
The gins later became horse-drawn and water-powered gins and cotton production increased, along with lowered costs. Cotton soon became the number one selling textile.
The effects of the cotton gin on slavery was that the need for slaves increased so that they could keep up with the profitability that came with its invention. Eli Whitney’s invention could help produce cotton lint quickly and efficiently. Plantation owners needed more slaves in the field to keep up with the new gin invention.
One of the most important events caused by the cotton gin was the exile of the Cherokee Indians along the Trail of Tears. As the demand for cotton and slaves grew the South began to look for more land, and discovered it in the land owned by the Cherokee Indians. The land was taken from them beginning in 1828 when the Georgia government outlawed the Cherokee government and began to take the land. This continued until 1838 when, despite a Supreme Court order, federal troops drove the last of the Cherokee from the land, that covered Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina to Oklahoma where many of them died. This would not have occurred had it not been for the invention of the cotton gin. The cotton gin created a market for slavery. As the production of cotton rose so did the production of slavery. These enterprises needed land, which stimulated the wars against the Indians to take their land, which could then be used by cotton farmers, and plantation holders who bred slaves. Whitney’s cotton gin, and its ripple effect was having a major impact on the events in the American South.
When Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1794 there was not much of an impact at first, but once the 1800’s came around the cotton gin gained popularity. The cotton gin was used in the south by slaves to separate the cotton fiber from the seeds. It had teeth that pulled the fiber apart and let the seeds fall out. The north and south, both, were impacted by the cotton gin, but depending on who you ask; workers, slaves, slave/ plantation owners, mills owners; people would have different opinions.
In the 1790’s the invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney sparked an increase in cotton production in the South. The cotton gin decreased the labor time it took to pick seeds from the cotton. Slave owners moved or sold their slaves to deep Southern states
It was an agricultural haven for cotton, but also an area of innovation and adaptation. The businesspersons that resided in the South consisted of Northern and Southern businessmen looking to make a name for themselves. Furthermore, in this pursuit for wealth and power they created innovations that forever changed America. The invention of the Cotton Gin by Eli Whitney created a chain of industrial, social, and economical events that made America the nation it is today. These men sought to make a better America, consequently some innovations led to the abuse of human life and liberty, but out of this pain, a stronger nation was born. The fire that was set by these visionaries, even if it was lit by greed, created a nation hungry for the pursuit of a better life and better
Throughout American history, there comes a time where a great invention is crafted that comes and impacts our society greatly. Inventions usually have an overall positive affect on the world, but not in the case of the cotton gin. 1792 is when Eli Whitney invented this machine(king cotton) When Eli invented it, he had no idea of the effect that it would have to American Society. The invention of the cotton gin caused an increase of slaves in the south with harsher working conditions, and it also fluctuated the southern economy, which all played a major role in the Civil War.
The industrial revolution was a time of great change in Europe. Many of those changes were brought about by mechanical inventions that greatly increased efficiency by which raw materials were processed. "While working in the sciences and tinkering with mechanics, a few people were able to come up with new ways of doing things. New machines were invented" (MacroHistory and World Report) Three significant machines that were invented during this time period that greatly increased the cotton industry were the cotton gin, the spinning jenny, and the power loom. Since cotton was one of the major cash crops exported by the colonies to England, it is important to understand these inventions in order to grasp the changes brought about by this trio of machines on the cotton industry.
Ford is a prestigious motor company with a successful production history spanning more than a century and involving several influential automobiles, most notably the iconic Model T. Indeed, the Model T was a supreme mechanical innovation, a remarkable marriage of “technical design and social context” (Boyer & Dubofsky 275). Although simple in design, and relatively expensive, the vehicle performed very well against competitors’ models, surviving the primitive roads and almost nonexistent repair facilities thanks to a very robust frame, high wheel clearance and an easy-to-fix motor and suspension (Boyer & Dubofsky 275). The popularity of the vehicle was the impetus for Henry Ford to look at innovative production techniques in order to quench the high demand of the American public. The production breakthroughs initiated by Ford in his assembly plants became known alternatively as the ‘assembly line’ approach, or Fordism (Boyer & Dubofsky 275). Hence, outside of the automobile industry and culture of car aficionados, the Ford motor company has had its greatest influence on the world through its primary innovation – assembly line production.
A motor car for the great multitude a goal for Henry Ford(Schlager 593). In the 1920s, automobiles are rapidly changing the American lifestyle forever because of their affordability and also the development of new assembly technology to lower the cost. Technological innovations of assembly begin to expand and advance for the better throughout the 1920s, which impacts Americans and the people of the world today. Henry Ford, a bold figure during the 1920s, owner of Ford automobiles. His ideas and innovation like the assembly line forever changes the automobile and the way goods are produce. Although there are many technological advancement during the 1920s, the assembly line designed by
This incredible machine allowed to speed up the process of removing the seeds from cotton fiber than manual cotton separation, which required more work and time without it. This was proven that production was growing because in 1830 bales of cotton was 750,000 but by 1850 it was over 2.85 million bales changing the textile production and increasing jobs for demand in these cotton gins. The cotton gin also had a negative impact in the united states because it led to the increase of slavery for the demand of cotton workers to produce more cotton. The cotton gin fueled the revolution to continue even more, but there was one more invention that changed, which moved people into more technology and