
The Counselling Methods For The Counsellor And The Client Essay

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The aim of this essay is to discuss some of the various counselling method the theory be behind them the strengths and weakness of each theory how they may prove beneficial to the counsellor and the client.
Section1. Behaviourism
1. Give a brief account of Pavlov’s theory of classical conditioning (use the terms UCS, UCR, CS and CR)
Classic conditioning sometimes called pavlovian conditioning (tocp pg 73) was discovered by Ivan Pavlov during his study of the digestion system in dogs, (glassman and hadad, 2009) classic conditioning is the method of learning by chronological relationship, in other words we may learn to react to one experience the way we would to the another if the two events consistently occur in close sequences. (tocp pg 73) Unconditional stimulus (UCS) -is a stimulus that automatically produces an unconditional response. Unconditional response (UCR) an unconditional stimulus is a stimulus that naturally creates a response. Conditioned response (CR) is learning or be trained to be responsive to a stimulus that previously had no effect. Conditioned stimulus (CS) a condition stimulus is a stimulus that had no impact before repeat association with an unconditional stimulus but over time it can trigger the same reaction as the brain begins to associate the conditions stimulus with the unconditioned.
2. Give a brief account of skinners theory of operant conditioning.
The main points of operant conditioning are positive reinforcement and negative

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