
The Counter Derivatives : Hedging Or Creating Risk?

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LA984 Dissertation Research Proposal Dissertation Topic: ?Over the Counter Derivatives: Hedging or creating risk? Evaluation of EU regulation in an effort to control the risks in OTC Derivatives transactions? Student ID: 1566306 Word Count: 9. 450 Introduction Derivatives are products of financial innovation, the function of which is taking place in the Liberal Economies of the developed and developing world. Especially nowadays, the use of those financial instruments tends to be excessive, as their multifarious functionality can serve institutional investor?s different financial needs. In the financial sector, derivative is defined as a contract whose value is derived from the value of an underlying …show more content…

The first category of derivatives is traded on a regulated and standardized market on which these derivative contacts have certain standard terms and their operation is centrally controlled through the exchange mechanisms that include collateral requirements given by the exchange members.[footnoteRef:3] On the contrary, OTC derivatives have the commercial advantage to be more flexible, as they are structured on bilateral terms, and thus, they attract market participants who want to hedge the specific risks arising from their financial activity, who become individually responsible for accomplishing their contractual obligations. [3: Ibid, p 5-6] In this dissertation, the research is focused on the current regulatory efforts to control the use of OTC derivatives in capital markets which among other factors has led to the credit crisis in 2007-2008. First of all, the legal origin of those instruments will be discussed in order acquire an overall view on why derivatives have evolved. Furthermore, derivatives will be discussed as financial instruments of hedging the risk and special attention will be given on how financial institutions can be benefited by their use. After analyzing the developmental impact of derivatives in firms ?in a micro perspective? and in capital markets ?in a macro perspective?, the risk arising by the excessive use of OTC derivatives is going to be studied. The uncontrolled growth of Systemic Risk which is connected with lack of

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