On the contrary to the general concept and motif behind the production of e-cigarettes, several studies have proven that these electronic devices that were created as an unassailable and riskless alternative to derail and overcome one’s cigarette addiction and dependency, happen to be equally as harmful and destructive as the nicotine infused drug. Maria Mironidou Tzouveleki, Evanthia Tzitzi, and Panagiotis Tzitzis stated “The vapour of e-cig contains toxic and dangerous substances as the smoke of conventional cigarette but in different quantities.” (Mironidou Tzouveleki, Tzitzi, 2015, p. 235.) Ever since e-cigarettes made their debut in the market back in 2003, researches had their doubts and implications about this particular substitutive
The e-cigarette format, however, does not eliminate concerns regarding public and individual health risks. The World Health Organization has called for e-cigarette usage to be monitored in the same way as more conventional tobacco products,(23) the US FDA is advocating for more research,(24) and there has been a dramatic increase in analyses of the chemical, physiological, psychological and socio-cultural aspects of e-cigarettes.(2-7,9-12,14-21,24-52)
For years, there have been studies to suggest that e-cigarette release toxic compounds. However, the source for such findings was recently discovered at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and it indicates that there is not a direct link to the source, but rather wide range of individual factors like temperature and age, for example, that differently affect the emission levels. Toxic chemicals like acrolein and formaldehyde are released from e-cigarettes which decomposes the two solvents (propylene glycol and glycerin) that are used in the vaporization of e-cigarettes. To find the ingredients used in the vapor, researchers compared two different e-cigarettes using gas and a liquid chromatography. They discovered that the puffs which are
Everyone always wants to be with the latest trend, and as many celebrities and magazine ads have pictures of vaping, electronic cigarettes have become a "trend”. People are largely unaware of the emergency risks of vaping. According to a study by Mitch Zeller he states, “I can say definitely, that nicotine is harmful to a developing teenage brain. And no teenager, no young person. should be using any tobacco or nicotine-containing products”. Unlike true cigarettes, electronic cigarettes do not have
In recent years, the use of e-cigarettes, which are known as electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), has increased dramatically all over the world. It is believed by many that smokers are using ECs as an alternative way of smoking tobacco which have impacts on public health. While a diversity of definitions of the term e-cigarettes have been proposed, this essay will use the definition provided by Siobhan (2013), devices which permit smokers to inhale nicotine by evaporated liquid which be flavoured without burning tobacco. Furthermore, public health is about helping, protecting and improving the health communities from diseases threats by education, creating laws and doing researches. In this essay, the abbreviation ECs will be used to
Lastly, the rise of E-cigarettes may lead to Big Tobacco companies gaining larger influence and a new strong market. Big Tobacco companies are beginning to invest in E-cigarettes and since they are larger and wealthier than many smaller companies who deal E-cigarette products, they might have the ability to strongarm them into submission. Once Big Tobacco companies take control of the market they would once more have a foothold over society. Big tobacco companies should not be allowed to gain such strength since their market is in products which are toxic and ruinous to people.
In 2003 E-cigarettes were invented by Lik Hon in China and in just three short years they exploded worldwide (Hajek et al. 1). This topic is important because E-Cigarettes are sweeping the globe by providing millions of users a vapor, nicotine delivering device. Not only are they bringing in a new subculture called “vaping”, but also many questions on how they should be regulated (Gardiner 1). The users of E-cigarettes are widespread and can not be pinpointed to just one age, race, or even country, the users are everywhere. According to Etter and Bullen some users use e-cigarettes to help them quit traditional cigarettes and others use them to complement their tobacco use. However the greatest rise of e-cigarette use has come from adolescence, majority being teenagers who are not tobacco users (Etter and Bullen).
We now live in a digital world where everything we use must be battery operated. Our paper and pencils have taken a back seat for Microsoft word. As must everything evolve, cigarettes have taken the next leap of evolution and gone digital. Electronic cigarettes have begun to flood the market with statics of 2 million users and 2.5 billion dollars in profits. Right now a lot is unknown about these devices and there are no safety regulations. Those who oppose and support electronic cigarettes have different views, negatives and positives, of their use. Electronic cigarettes is a controversial issue due to not being safe, a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes, marketing toward teens, and an aid in helping smokers quit.
E-cigarettes appear as an innocent alternative to the real thing but the Food and Drug Administration issued an advisory identifying the “volatile” substances in the device and its emitted smoke may not be that harmless after all (“FDA: Second-Hand Smoke From E-Cigarettes May Be Harmful To Your Health”, 2013). Electronic cigarettes contain organic substances including propylene glycol, flavors, and nicotine which are emitted as a mist into the air in enclosed areas. FDA studies show that these microscopic liquid particles have the possibility of penetrating deep into our lungs. Also cited by the FDA in a German publication on electronic cigarettes shows
Smoking is an addiction that can risk one’s health, which in turn can lead to death. As time advances, both smokers and non-smokers are beginning to understand the harm in this deadly habit because not only does it harm smokers, it can impact anyone who encounters the smoke second-hand. Since the public has become aware of the health risks induced by smoking, cessation tools such as nicotine replacement therapy are being invented to help terminate the desire to smoke. As technology improves, smoking devices like the electronic cigarette are invented and can be considered an effective cessation tool. Electronic cigarettes can deliver low doses of nicotine to ease withdrawal symptoms. Furthermore, as electronic cigarettes increase in
Electronic cigarettes have been around for about a decade. No one is sure of what havoc they can cause yet because of how new they are in existence. Throughout the past years more and more issues have been arising from this product that was originally assumed to be harmless. Now we are faced with the question are they really as safe as we thought or should increase investigation to see what they are really capable of. So far researchers have discovered many issues with the electronic cigarettes and every month more and more issues begin the surface the air. From explosion to toxic material. These issues will not only affect their
Research has proven that “Electronic cigarettes-use of which is spreading, particularly among youngsters contain carcinogens, sometimes at higher levels than those found in conventional cigarettes” (Yoneyama 1). Since the invention of the e-cigarette in 2003, the use of this new device has increased dramatically with our adults and shockingly even with our youth. In our era today, many of our youth have found that the use of e-cigarettes to be a safe alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes and lack the proper research. Despite the new expansion of e-cigarettes to society, the low amount of research conducted on this new trend should not justify it
“Inhale the future. Exhale the past.” E-Cigarettes are the future to a healthier life! Is this the motivation smokers need to quit? There are so many different effects of smoking harms nearly every organ in your body. It also causes so many diseases and reduces the health of smokers in general. People should know that by quitting smoking can lower your risk for smoke-related diseases and can add years to your life. Electronic cigarettes or vaping can meet the needs of smokers because it has high and low concentrations of e-liquid, as well as many flavors, which can meet the needs of smoker’s enthusiasts. According to a psychiatrist, Sally Satel, “Smoking rate will go from a stubborn 18 percent to the government's goal of 12 percent by 2020 with E-Cigarettes.” However, many critics believe that electronic cigarettes are extremely addictive and just as harmful yet there are proofs that not only are E-Cigarettes beneficial for the smoker’s health, but for planet earth and the community. Everyone wants to be healthy but how can E-Cigarettes help accomplish that. E-Cigarettes are battery powered filled with liquid nicotine that is dissolved in a solution of water. They look like real cigarettes but they are a healthier alternative to quit smoking. The reason being is that they reduce the risk of heart disease. According to the director of the Smoke-Free Alternatives Trade Association 28,000 adults die each year from smoking tobacco. Although many argue
One of my first memories in the United States was taking a Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E) class. I was in sixth grade and a top student, as talking about drugs and alcohol and the way they affect us was fascinating to me. This is why, the following year, I volunteered to become a peer educator in Teens Against Tobacco Use (T.A.T.U). For a couple of years, I gave presentations to young students which included facts, demonstrations, and games, to spread the knowledge that tobacco is harmful and that staying away from smoking prolongs life expectancy and increases the quality of life. It should come as no surprise, then, that I consider myself a big proponent of staying tobacco-free and encouraging others to quit smoking as a great way to promote health. I remember watching my mom and sister as they took part in their nightly ritual of smoking a few cigarettes to unwind. “Did you know that a main component of cigarettes is used as rocket fuel?” I would ask them, as I opened the window and they stared back at me blankly. “We know, we know” was the answer every time. I knew that convincing them to quit was no easy task, but I was committed. Day after day, I proudly stated a new fact about the evils of smoking. Finally one day, they quit. At first, they attributed it to the cost. Since we had just immigrated to the United States, the cost of cigarettes was simply not something they could afford. I didn’t believe it. I proudly
According to the World Health Organization, tobacco kills almost six million people each year. As a result, many new products have been brought forward to serve as healthy alternatives; the highest in demand being the electronic cigarette or e-cigarette. E-cigarettes are battery-powered devices that create a vapor mist from a heated liquid solution when the user inhales on a mouthpiece (Wagaman). As of their creation in 2006, a growing number of people are taking up “vaping” instead of smoking, resulting in an industry worth $2.7 billion worldwide (Senthilingam). Although the product is healthier than the traditional tobacco cigarette, there are many defects that keep it from being the healthiest alternative. Due to its negative health
E-cigarette is believed to greatly reduce on the health effects associated with tobacco smoking. However, e-cigarette has been criticized as a leading cause of smoking among the youth due to its flavor as well as its novel appearance and campaigns. It is also believed to pose some health risks. Despite such drawbacks, e-cigarette has recently gained a lot of popularity and subsequent growth.