The crucible is a story about witchcraft, it takes place in the 1600’s in a British Colony of Massachusetts. During this time witch hunts swept through Europe, resulting in many people being killed. At the beginning of the story Betty was having strange behavior along with Abigail, the girls were caught in the woods dancing. But now Betty will not move or wake up but she is still alive and they have no idea what is going on with her . The Putnams try to find out what happened to all their kids and why does some people have so many but she can't have them without them dying. In Act 2 Elizabeth Proctor is being accused of witchcraft and taken to jail, because Abigail was stabbed and Elizabeth has a doll with a needle in it that was given to her
“Whatever you do, it is a good man who does it.” This quote was said by Elizabeth Proctor, a character in The Crucible. Here Elizabeth is saying that her husband is a good man which shows that she has finally forgiven him for the affair he had earlier in the play. Elizabeth Proctor is a good Christian woman who is very honest. She is married to John Proctor but keeps a cold house ever since John had the affair with Abigail Williams. Elizabeth is accused of witchcraft when Abigail is stabbed in the stomach and they then find a poppet with a needle in it belonging to Elizabeth. I consider myself to have similar characteristics with Elizabeth Proctor because we are both caring, forgiving, and honest.
Because Jealousy could lead a person to comment a crime, Abigail is motivated by jealousy of Elizabeth Proctor, “She thinks to dance with me on my wife’s grave!” (Page 194, Miller), and so she can marry John Proctor. She believes John loves her but he is still with his wife.
In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, people in Salem, Massachusetts experience a barrage of court trials in which people were persecuted and sentenced to death. These persecutions divided families and divided communities, but for some, there were opposing results. John and Elizabeth Proctor, who are in a struggling relationship, undergo an unusual change in one another. At first, John and Elizabeth Proctor are a couple that is uncomfortable around each other. John Proctor was committing adultery with their household servant named Abigail Williams.
John Proctor is one of the main characters in the Crucible. He was indicted of witchcraft because of he violated the law several times. Examples that helped the church assume he was a witch was him stating that the girls who were “possessed” were liars & frauds, setting everything up to accuse other villagers of witchcraft. He also couldn’t remember the 10 commandments, didn’t attend church regularly, & apparently plowed on Sundays which was considered a high offense back then. John’s trial was extremely unequitable.
She even said, “it needs a cold wife to prompt lechery”, (Miller 137). around the end of the play. One reason she distrusts John, is that he has claimed he was not alone with her. He later says that he was, in fact, alone with her for a short while. It takes a person of strength to be able to take that lie he gave and still control herself in the manner a wife should do. It was her inner strength that showed her that “it were a cold house she kept”(Miller 136). and needed to fix that problem.
John Proctor tried his hardest and went through hell and gave his life to try to save the people of his town in Salem. “ I am only wondering how i may prove what she told me Elizabeth. If the girl's a saint now; I think it not easy to prove she's a fraud the town gone silly., she told me in a room alone, I have no proof for it” (2.127-131). My explanation is by him saying that he means its going to be hard to prove Elizabeth Proctor is guilty and they are going to find out it's a lie. I connected to this because John and his wife are innocent and she never tells a lie, also they can't even prove that they are lying even if they were. Joth talked to Hale about the situation when Hale came to John's home in the middle of the night to ask questions.
all faith in him, she feels that he does not want to prove Abigail is
The Crucible is a play that takes place in Salem, Massachusetts during the 17th century and is based on true events. The Puritans believed in witchcraft and were gullible. At the start of the play, the audience learns some girls were caught dancing naked in the woods by Reverend Parris. They had supposedly “conjured up spirits” and this led to the accusations of the girls as witches. In order to escape the punishment, they accuse other women of the town of being witches. They say that they were approached by the devil but did not go over to his side so they are used as members of the jury.
The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller written in the 1950’s. It was set in the 1690’s in Massachusetts. The play is about the witch trials and how something like a group of girls in the woods could lead to about 200 people being hanged and accused of witchcraft. The people of Salem were new to Massachusetts as they were puritans who went off to America to set up a new religious colony . The people were new to their surroundings had the Native Americans as enemies because they took their land. Although the Crucible is about the witch trials, it is thought to be a metaphor for the McCarthy Communist trials
To go more in depth, The Crucible is placed in Salem, Massachusetts, 1692. Now most people know about the witch trials. But no one really realized the geography behind it. The characters in the story are impacted by the place they grew up and the way they grew up. They were isolated and did not talk to the Indians or the English. They lived by mountains and believed in the devil. While Betty Parris grew up in a small town, word got around about witchcraft. As no dancing was allowed and the
During Act 2, many occurrences happened. One in particular took my attention with a bit more force than some of the other content. According to the text, “… But not Sarah Good. For Sarah Good confessed, y’see. I hear a voice, a screamin’ voice, and it were my voice-and at all at once I remembered everything she done to me” (Miller 60)! This quote shows that this woman, Sarah Good, did something to Mary Warren that made her traumatized and afraid. According to the text, “… ‘Sarah Good,’ says he, ‘what curse did you mumble that this girl must fall sick after turning you away’” (Miller 61)? This quote demonstrates the acts Sarah did to Mary. I connected to this scene by remembering an old show that recently aired called Merlin.
The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a famous play which was written in the early 1950’s. The Crucible is a play based upon the events in 1692, which led to the ‘Salem Witch Trials’, a series of hearings before local magistrates to prosecute over 150 people accused of witchcraft. This was due to the hysteria caused by a group of girls accusing innocent people of witch craft. The play was set in Salem, Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. Salem was a very isolated and puritanical community, so their biggest fear was the devil and witchcraft. A person being accused of witchcraft was the worst thing possible in this society.
The Crucible takes place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. During this time, a girl named Abigail Williams forms people’s belief in witchcraft when she claims that her slave, Tituba, bewitched her. When Tituba was given the choice of “confessing to her sin”, which means to lie about being a witch, or be whipped and executed, she chose to protect herself with dishonesty. After this event, many people began to accuse one another of witchcraft and were forced into Tituba’s situation: lie in a “confession” of their sins or be executed. With numerous accusations running around town, the people in fear of being accused would lie about their involvement with witchcraft as well as their reputation, since people with
Imagine the terror of a mass hysteria hoax. During the sixteenth century, witch trials caused the deaths of thousands as chaos spread throughout Europe. Many European villages in history have witnessed witch executions and the imprisonment of suspected witches. The Crucible, along with the Salem Witch Trials and the European witch trials, have many similarities and differences that make them both memorable and important.
The Crucible was based on a Puritan society where religion played as the foundation of everything. Fear was operating in the witchcraft accusations and in the people who lived there. During that time, these fears were masked by anger toward one another. This misplaced anger grew to vengeance and only led to more fear.