
The Crucible Chapter 1-11 Summary

Decent Essays
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Kurt Gray

Chapter 10
Jesus taught about divorce was that when marrying the create a bond so so strong that it is “one flesh”, divorcing breaks this bond. Also once a person divorces and marries again, this a form of adultery.
Jesus prioritizes children they are the future and they understand God.
Discipleship in the story is related to a man with that is wealthy. So the connection is that that disciples give up everything unlike this rich man.
Chapter 11
Some details are Jesus entering of the house of Aaron, The gate of righteousness is opened and Aaron shows him gratitude, Jesus cuts all of the nations around him down.
The fig tree is cursed by Jesus because he uses it as a metaphor of Israel and how it is lifeless and does not have fruit. …show more content…

The main point of the parable is to show the readers that religious leaders would kill to keep power.
Jesus outsmarts the pharisees because he saying to repay Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God.
One great commandment is to love your neighbor as you love yourself. The other great commandment is to love God with your whole heart mind and sole. The central claim is to love as you would want to be loved.
Even if she didn’t put as much she put more because the widow gave up everything compared to others.
Chapter 11-12
A sadducee was mostly a priest or aristocrat that was apart of the Palestinian sect. A pharisee was apart of a Jewish sect that had beliefs in oral traditions, afterlife and believing in the coming of the messiah.
There is almost always problems and tension between Jesus and the religious leaders. For example, Jesus would preach and the religious leaders would threat to arrest him.
Chapter 13
In chapter 13 Jesus speaks of predications that he has of stuff that will happen to him and the people around him. For example, the destruction of the temple, not being persecuted for following Jesus.
The “desolating abomination(sacrilege)” It is what jesus said, the destruction of the

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