
The Crucible Response

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Constructed Response 1 Frederic Henry is a lieutenant in the Italian army. In A Farewell to Arms, it is revealed that before he joined the Italians, he lived in America (Hemingway 19). He joined the Italian army during World War 1 because, according to himself, he “was in Italy and spoke Italian” (Hemingway 19). Catherine Barkley is a volunteer nurse, or V.A.D., in the Italian army (Hemingway 22). She is originally from England (Hemingway 18). Before she met Frederic, she was engaged to marry a man that she grew up with (Hemingway 16). However, he was killed in the Battle of Somme, and Catherine hints that she no longer loves him when she tells Frederic “That’s the end of it” (Hemingway 17). This opens the way for Frederic and Catherine to engage in a romantic relationship. Constructed Response 2 When Frederic first meets Catherine, he says that she has “beautiful hair,” which shows that he notices her beauty (Hemingway 16). He also tries to display affection towards her, and succeeds (Hemingway 22-23). After several visits with her, Frederic realizes …show more content…

In the novel, the mountains symbolize the pleasant events. Frederic shows interest for visiting the mountains, saying that he “wanted to go to the Hartz Mountains” to escape the war (Hemingway 31). The plains symbolize unpleasant events. In the beginning of the novel, Frederic says there is fighting in the plains beyond the peaceful village he is staying in (Hemingway 1). The rain symbolizes the disastrous and pivotal events that occur in the novel. When Catherine dies, Frederic says that he “walked back to the hotel in the rain” (Hemingway 284). It is also raining when he deserts (Hemingway 193). Therefore, the mountains symbolize the pleasant events, the plains symbolize the unpleasant events, and the rain symbolizes the worst and most chaotic events in A Farewell to

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