
Essay On The Cuban Missile Crisis

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The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban missile Crisis was an intense Time for the U.S, Cuba and Russia at this time of the period. The cold War was fought into two groups the Western Bloc (The united states and NATO the allies and other countries.) The Nato also known as North Atlantic Alliance. NATO was intergovernmental military alliance compacted based by the North Atlantic Treaty signed on 4, 1949. The NATO a system of defense and if a country that was being attack by another country or external party and who ever was part of the NATO would have to send soldiers to the April country and help them fight of the invade. The NATO was also used during the Korean War when North Korea invaded South Korea on Saturday, 24 June 1950. NATO is going till this day and has increased over the past year. The NATO did not really voted for a leader because it would look like a dictatorship but it was made up of the representative of the allies, including ambassador, minister and head of state and government and there was no voting and decision by majority.
Well Russia seen that the United States making allies with countries across The Atlantic Ocean. So, the Russians created the Warsaw Pact to get alliance from other countries. The Soviets and the seven satellite states signed a mutual defense organization Treaty (Warsaw Pact) that allowed The Soviet Union to control their army. The seven countries that were part of the Warsaw Pact were , Albania, Poland, Romania, Hungary, East

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