
The Culture And Ethos Of The Surrounding Community Essay

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Introduction Since the beginning of history stadiums have been used as a gathering point for nations and its populace to enjoy events and festivals. Early examples of stadia can be seen through the famous Roman Coliseum in Rome, where gladiators battled for their freedom and the trivial Globe Theatre in London where Shakespeare’s works were performed. In today’s society, stadia have evolved to become massive multi purpose stadiums that have helped to define and identify the culture and ethos of the surrounding community. With societies push to more of an entertainment culture, more and more stadia are being built in order to accommodate the popularity of sports, music, comedy, and drama. This increase in attendance and popularity has caused stadia today to become highly intricate, requiring millions and sometimes billions of dollars to be used in order to create a not only massive, but also safe atmosphere where people can gather to enjoy their chosen spectacle. The innovation of today’s new stadia requires and depends on proper management and operations. This comes in the form of certain characteristics and techniques, which if used properly can help to lead to the overall success of the stadium. In this analysis, I will discuss the essential characteristics for stadia management, as well as compare and contrast two major stadia in today’s world in order to get a better understanding of their practical application.
Management Characteristics
Organizational Management

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