In an encounter with behavior or values regarding relationships and violence that conflict with their own, people often depend on describing these instances inadequately by ignoring crucial factors. Although, restricted explanations of violence and gendered relationships often promote fallacious conjectures. These assertions offer an explanation for certain aspects of societal patterns, though none of them should be applied when studying violence and relationships because they attempt to determine an innate deficit within an individual despite the other components of the individual’s life that contributed to their lifestyle and indiscretions.
One of these explanations is biological essentialism, the ideology that human actions are dictated by multiple physical characteristics. biological essentialism is an ineffective method to studying sexuality and gendered relationships because it does not consider the social, familial, and politically imposed regulations on the individual that have influenced their sexuality. Another restricted notion is the culture of poverty theory, which relies on describing poverty as a tradition perpetuated within families and communities. The culture of poverty theory fails to examine critical aspects such as racism and prejudice while condemning an individual of a marginalized community for perpetuating poverty. Lastly, is Psychotherapeutic literature, which attempts to explain the actions of an individual by diagnosing them with a physical
Evaluating the View that Poverty is Caused by Economic Inequality Rather than Cultural Attitudes and Lifestyles
Identifies skills, theories of change, program designs, partnerships, and ways of building schools where students achieve.
To begin, I thought “The Myth of the Culture of Poverty” by Paul Gorski was an interesting read that I had to share with others. The movie we were assigned to watch, “Born With A Wooden Spoon: Welcome to Poverty U.S.A,”definitely supports Gorski’s article in many ways. Gorski makes a clear, straightforward stance on not only his views but how often times the education system and or teachers is at fault when it comes to grouping their lower-class students into this box of, “The Culture of Poverty,” without even realizing it. There are also a lot things that are talked about in the video which can be compared to Gorski’s central idea or thesis.
A Framework for Understanding Poverty is a book, written by Ruby K. Payne for the purpose of helping educators impact their students in poverty through opportunities. This book examines experiences from all economic classes in order to evaluate the differences in education among each class. Payne talks about the different types of poverty and the resources needed to be a stable and educated person. Poverty is “the extent to which an individual does without resources”.
Next comes the phase of violence, which is characterized by hitting, slapping, kicking, choking, the use of objects or weapons, verbal threats or abuse, and sexual abuse. The final phase that sets the individuals up for the cycle to continue is the honeymoon phase. The honeymoon phase is noted by calm and apologetic demeanor. The individuals tend to go through denial about the abusive behavior, come up with excuses, and make promises about future behavior. While it is important to know how professionals define dating violence, it is also pivotal that those in the helping professions also have an understanding of how the teens themselves view the violence that occurs in their relationships. According to one study teens define abuse according to the context, intent, and actual harm caused (O’Keefe, 2005). In another study teens actually reported that in situations where revenge, retaliation, or prevention of face loss was the reason for the abusive behavior, the violence was justified (Sears, Byers, Whelan, & Saint-Pierre, 2006, p 1197). In the same study individuals reported that they also took into consideration whether the act was a result of their partner “just kidding” or a demonstration of their caring for their partner. Not only do definitions of interpersonal violence vary across the board, but they also vary significantly between males and females. Males and females have very different views as to what the purpose of
Parsing out the influences of cultural and structural factors leading to differential behaviors among the poor and nonpoor is a difficult challenge for sociologists concerned with stratification and inequality. This is largely due to the fact that they appear to be so heavily intertwined. Structural and cultural factors reinforce each other in complex ways. Pervasive cultural elements such as ideologies and values are used to frame and interpret existing socio-economic structures and their effects on individuals. Structural forces such as access to resources such as information, education and employment shape cultural views and attitudes as well.
In our debate we discussed whether women are just as violent as men. The pro side of the debate said yes women are just as violent as men, and the opposing side said men are more violent than women. In the yes side of the debate violence was described as physical and emotional assaults. As in violent acts carried out with the intention of causing another person physical pain or injury, no matter whether actual injury occurs, and any unjust, cruel act, or maltreatment of another human being. In the no side of the debate violence was just described as physical assaults, and not emotional assaults. This paper will discuss both sides of the debate, and the pros and cons of the arguments made by both sides.
the family of orientation. Statistics show that 73% of male abusers had grown up in a
To understand poverty, it is crucial to understand the systems that are involved in creating it. Inequality is embedded in many necessary institutions within society, which provides the basis for poverty to occur. Without this entrenchment of inequality amongst institutions and systems within society, it is clear that poverty would look very different. This paper will delve into the concept of racialized poverty and how racialized minorities have a greater propensity to remain in poverty due to a lack of accessibility to high quality and equal institutions. By examining systems such as the labour market, education and healthcare , it will become evident that racialized minorties are not granted the same opportunities as people who are
is a cause of deviant behavior such as crime, and also causes the poor to be marginalized from
There are three main arguments believed to be the explanations for the existence and persistence of poverty. The first account is the Dependency-Based Explanation that puts the blame of poverty to the individual or to their cultural background. The Exclusion-Based Explanation and Structural-Based Explanation are the next two which establishes the society that condemns people to poverty.
Both males and females were included in the study. No further information was reported on participant demographics. The participants were conveniently sampled. This was a longitudinal study as it got information from the same participants over a long period of time on the same topic. This ensures that the data obtained from individuals is accurate and a consistency is created. Participants were required to complete the same survey multiple times over the course of 5 times. 167 questions were listed in the survey on various topics such as attitudes towards women. The only materials required were the surveys participants were required to complete. The results indicate that being exposed to violence as a child has a high correlation with being a victim of domestic violence for women. Researchers also found that a large number of college students were currently or were previously in an abusive relationship. Women are more prepared to admit violence in a relationship than men are. A limitation of the study was that researchers used self-reports to create a baseline of the violent behaviour in an individual’s family and violent behaviour as an adult. This could be biased data that doesn’t represent a true comment on the actual situation, misrepresenting the amount of violence in the family, etc. The researchers concluded that women are more readily prepared to admit to having been violent in a relationship before or having been a victim of violence in a relationship before. The inconsistencies between the answers men provided to the answers women provided caused the researchers to conclude that women are frequently dating college men but men much older than they are. For future studies, researchers should extend to a larger population to either prove or disprove the idea that college students are dating, and ultimately having violent relationships, with individuals much older than
In today's world, some only have one reason on how poverty can be explained but there are certain psychology methods that can go into depth on poverty. Throughout all the different types of countries they all experience the struggle of their economy and people being in poverty. There are different perspectives that poverty can be possibly explained and why it happens in the world. People have been announcing and declaring different possibilities on how poverty is in the world; ranging from 1938 to 1989. The different perspectives of psychology are psychoanalytic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, biological, and sociocultural.
Poverty traps are economic anomalies that continually reinforce poverty within a country’s, or multiple countries’, economies. There are many different types of poverty traps such as savings traps, “big push” models, nutritional traps, behavioral traps, geographic traps, etc. that all affect an economy in different ways. Not only can poverty be enforced through these traps, but also through the way an economy is run or the moralities of the government. According to Mark Koyama (2015), poverty traps are important due to more than 3 billion people, nearly half the world’s population, living on less than $2.50 per day, and about 1.3 billion people living in extreme poverty on just $1.25 per day. Among these 3 billion some people living in poverty, one billion of them are children of which thousands are dying daily. It is necessary to study these different poverty traps in order to begin to decrease the distressingly high percentages of people living in poverty.
A social problem, is “a general factor that effects and damages society”. It can be used to describe an issue or a problem within a certain group of people or an area in the world. Examples of contemporary social problems today include anti-social behaviour, drug abuse, and sexual abuse. Poverty is an example of a social problem that exists all over the world, and to different extents. In the UK, poverty has effected at least a third of the population, as shown by the Office of National Statistics, providing evidence that it is a massive social problem in the country. Tameside has a big poverty problem. 1 in 4 children in Tameside are born into poverty, and workers in Tameside earn significantly less than other workers in the rest of the North-West area. In addition, Tameside has the largest proportion of people claiming unemployment benefits compared to the rest of the North West of England.