
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nightime By Mark Haddon

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Many readers of the book The Curious Incident of The Dog in the Nightime by Mark Haddon may conclude that the father of Christopher is in the absolute wrong for hiding and lying about his mother’s death to Christopher. The father is doing his best to take care of a “special” kid who does not fully understand human emotions and feelings which creates a barrier to the outside world. As the book progresses the father does “hit” Christopher, but that is a simple reaction to Christopher’s persistent pushing around. Eventhough alcohol creates some of the anger in the father, the alcohol I think is a coping mechanism for the father to get over his wife leaving him. Christopher’s father really loves his son, his love is hidden through indirect characterization and shows its parts throughout the book. …show more content…

There were tears coming out of his eyes” (Haddon 21) that shows his father deep down loves Christopher and is sad from what he has done by seeing if Mrs. Shears dog was okay. Furthermore, Mark Haddon creates more of these hidden feelings of the father after he reveals to Christopher that he killed Mrs. Shears dog. His father only killed the dog because he felt that Mrs. Shears was going to leave them to dust when they got in a fight, that was the closest relationship he had with someone since his wife left him and that helped him partially deal with Christopher. He even said he did not mean to hide anything from his son, all he did was protect Christopher from the real horrors of the

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