
The Current Situation Faced By The 56th Armored Brigade Combat Team

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The current situation faced by the 56th Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) is a classic example of the effects of war on people and organizations, where the “before the war” state of both is dramatically changed on “the other side.” The current “other side” of the 56th ABCT is an organization that has been beleaguered by the ambiguous command structure of war; an unexpected, prolonged deployment; the loss of key leaders; operational and personal friction during war; the inability to adapt to demands of doing more with less and not being properly equipped and trained to conduct stability operations. The 56th ABCT’s “face of battle” is one that has been negatively affected by “the eye of command.” The only thing certain about war, as …show more content…

Therefore, I feel that the current leadership problem statement for the 56th ABCT is how to build the resiliency of the brigade, within the social, emotional, family and spiritual dimensions of strength, through strengthening the command climate, culture and ethical decision making processes of the brigade during the RESET Phase in order to set the brigade up for future success. The relevant facts inclusive in the development of my problem statement are that the organization is currently stressed by equipment RESET timelines and requirements and “Red Cycle” taskings; the brigade is experiencing an increase in domestic abuse, DUI and divorces; the brigade is just 5 days away from ending its 60-day stabilization window for manning; there is continuity in roughly 50% of field grade officer billets, the brigade is expected to reach 80% available strength and 75% senior grade strength during the RESET window and there will be a change of command for five of the brigade’s battalions in the next two weeks. Thus, my assessment is the strength of the brigade is its people, and the current command team is not enabling their success. The relevant assumptions inclusive in my problem statement are that there is a culture problem in the 56th ABCT, subordinate leaders are technically and tactically proficient and confident, there is a lack of

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