
The Curriculum Of A Progressivism

Satisfactory Essays

Behind every school and every teacher is a set of beliefs that influence what and how students are taught. My philosophy of education is based largely on the belief that lessons must be relevant to the students in order for them to learn. This philosophy is known as Progressivism. The curriculum of a progressivism is built around the personal experiences, interests, and needs of the students. (Kauchak, Eggen) It is the understanding that education should focus on the whole child, rather than on the content. This educational philosophy stresses that students should test ideas by active experimentation. The student is a problem solver and a thinker. Effective teachers provide experiences so that students can learn by doing. I identify with Progressivism because I too, learn by experimentation. The main concepts of Progressivism are the following:
 Education should be child centered.
 Curriculum should be derived from students’ interests.
 Effective teaching takes into account the whole child.
 Learning is active, not passive.
 Knowledge that is true in the present may not be true in the future so students need to be taught problem solving strategies.
 The teacher is a guide or resource to help students learn about what. (Kauchak, Eggen )
This paper will reflect on the ways in which the student population is diverse and how it will affect my teaching. Secondly it will describe the socializing agent and social issues that impact students’ attitudes and

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